
Hello kittens! 😺 πŸ™Œ so last night we got in our pool 😱😢 and guess what? Both of our dogs leap in 😝😲 one was swimming for the first time ever and our other dog was (no joke) walking in there πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ -kat


TapπŸ™Œ Hello kittens! 😺 πŸ™Œ so last night we got in our pool 😱😢 and guess what? Both of our dogs leap in 😝😲 one was swimming for the first time ever and our other dog was (no joke) walking in there πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ -kat

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that’s hilarious lol I love doggos
I love this😍