New post FINALLY! sorry I havenā€™t been active lately, but I love this one!!! This is heavily inspired by the stunning and most amazing Emily: @cruel-summer-! I rlly hope you guys like this oneā€¦I think itā€™s the best one I did with this theme! Also t


šŸ«¶tap!šŸ«¶ New post FINALLY! sorry I havenā€™t been active lately, but I love this one!!! This is heavily inspired by the stunning and most amazing Emily: @cruel-summer-! I rlly hope you guys like this oneā€¦I think itā€™s the best one I did with this theme! Also t

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cappy follow: also this is the entry for @wondirwandgirlā€™s contest! I made this collage for the contest not a premade, I swear!!!šŸ«£QOTD! (doin those again haha): what is something you think is a highlight of your week?
thank you! šŸ’–
and yes i totally understand!! <333
and thank you so much :))šŸ«¶šŸ«¶
hey this isgorgeoussss
iā€™m having an anxiety attack in the. middle of class but iā€™m all g hru?
you were mentioned in one of my posts! come check it out!
so beautiful
I love the background and text do!
your collages are amazing how do you do your magic!
tyy! ugh that sĆ»cks whatā€™s going on?
oh dang-
oh my, i hope nothing else happensā€¦
iā€™m good! school weekā€™s finished so yayyyyy
yeah.. iā€™m trying to figure out what theme to do next but iā€™ll get there.
ah i see
this is very cute
yeah lol I am doing pretty good! and tysmšŸ’•
yea! I followed you!
No need to be sorry, I have been busy with sports you?
omg tysmmm! ur amazing<<3
ly too! tyyyy again!
Dora is such a pretty name!! you can call me kat :)
Iā€™d love to hear details about school, I swear the craziest and most obscure things always happen šŸ‘€šŸ˜©
Aahh this is so pretty šŸ’•
Thank you ā¤
Ahh that's too bad, but if he was acting like a jerk, he didn't deserve you :)
Iā€™m good! been super busy lately ahh :0 hbu?
LITERALLY, thereā€™s no chill time at all, thereā€™s always some rumors abt me or school itā€™s so exhausting
thank you!!
thanks :)
omg thank you šŸ’ž
this is @cruel-summer-! page is up!!!
I am good thank you
ok I will make the chatpage
lol I'm so lucky I have a one week break from school lol
check the chatpage!
this is so gorgeous!! šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—
life isnā€™t treating me well unfortunately šŸ˜­ i h8 people and iā€™m SICKšŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”
iā€™m good thx!! wbušŸ¤
AHH TY! and wasnā€™t her performance amazing OMGGG
and the font is called ā€œthe richlandā€ i think!!! :)
Yep I know what thatā€™s like
welcome ;)
ahh that sounds terrible Iā€™m sorry that happened! and sorry Iā€™ve been m.i.a over the weekend! Iā€™m ready to collab whenever!
ofc! and just remixed stuff on the chat page ! sorry for being so inactive life has been busy lately bc im in the process of moving :,)
i didnā€™t do much! just watched a movie w my parents and did some schoolwork! what about you?
AWW TYY OMG, ur the sweetest ahhšŸ˜­ā¤ļø
hey hru Dora?? missed you heaps these last couple of days! whatcha been up to? xx
wow sounds like youā€™ve been going through alot! hope it all works out! I reckon if you think youā€™re friend is cute and he likes you then you should go for it! you deserve happiness Dora. Donā€™t let your inhibitions hold you back. youā€™re amazing! xx
thanks for the reminder
Doraaaa! thereā€™s nothing wrong with connecting with people online or in person! Just make sure you stay safe. Iā€™m here always! ~H ā™„ļø