What do u think I look like?


What do u think I look like?

35 0
chat I me page
don't text me between 4 pm to 5:20pm I have to go to cracker ok
or do u mean cricket
what are you doing
watching TV
and half asleep y
watching what
of cause
my name is mineplexgamer ok I changed it
I saw it
by the way can you tell Jordan to post something,so I can comment his.
do you want his iMessage name or not
I will ask him
na it's OK
he is not replying
I need to go bey
okay bye
what are you doing
talking to u
text me back plz
what are you doing
every time you start a compensation you will say what are you doing y do u do that?
tu t'appelles comment ???
what is your name ???
ya what is your name