Collage by Pastel-Imagination


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excuse me
hey could you post your own collages and not someone else's
could u post collages you actually made and stop copying mine and other people's work
some people actually work hard for their followers
I'm not trying to be rude but please delete them
I have proof that this collage is mine and if u want me to show u the proof then I will.
r u gonna reply back or not.
Look everyone ariana or whatever her name is is actuall y my sister in real life and btw I made this collage before her she just stole my iPad and posted it on her account
r u saying I'm your sister and I stole your iPad and posted it. cause I'm not your frickin sister
and how come she posted it before u then, huh
thank you
I know Animals__and_ariana_grande_r_awesome in real life and she's not related to you