Hope you enjoy


Hope you enjoy

12 9
comment your first, second, and third choice of team here⬇️
Rachel please
1st Adele 2nd Megan 3rd Rachel
1st team Rachel, 2nd: team Taylor ,3rd Tema Katy
team Rachel almost full
1st: Team Taylor 2nd: Team Rachel 3rd: Team Meghan
1st Taylor, 2nd Rachel, 3rd Ariana ( Put me as @TumblrNini not Nini231)
ari , Meg , Rachel
4 spots left on team Ariana, 2 on Team Rachel, 3 on team Taylor, three on team Meghan, 4 on Adele, and all 5 on team Katy
18/30 spots left. because we are more than a third of the way there, I will move up the deadline
Taylor swift
my bad. iiicon is Ariana and leahburgess is Taylor
just know that
team Taylor is full
Katy Perry