Haiti for life


Haiti for life

3 0
hey what's up
so what do you want to talk about
doesn't matter to me
how old were you on your first trip to Haiti
wow my mom will not let my brother go because she thinks he will act like it is a vacation
how old is he
he is 6
he wants to go so bad
do you like it
how old were you when you went
I was 9
yes I love it
my first time
do you like it?
I really want to move there one day
and yes I love it
me too! to camp I am going to bring my Haiti diaries!
ok good
are you excited for camp
I have some extra things in there that are from Haiti to
yes I am are you
ok I will try and bring some stuff from Haiti
yes really excited
I am really glad you will be there my sisters always make friends so easy
cool! will you tell your sister that I did get her message and wrote her back.
by the time we are leaving I make a friend
me too
ok I will I just told her she is in my room
ok thanks!
she forgets what picture it is she wants to know
it was a remix
me and Astedson
ok thanks
your welcome
what are you doing
watching tv and talking to you
what about you
oh I am just laying in bed
cool. I wonder what we would be doing at camp right now.
me to
we would probably be laying in bed talking
probably knowing us we have talked all week
have you ate breakfast yet
no but I am not a breakfast person do it will probably be a 1 hour before I want to eat. what about you?
I never eat breakfast if I do it will be like yogurts
that's usually what I do.
this is a weird question at camp do you want to share a bed i'm in a place I don't know I can not sleep so I have to be with someone
that's totally fine! I don't care!!
OK because I always ask my sisters asleep with me and there always like no
ok good I what I meant to say
yes I don't care at all!
ok thank you so much
your welcome.
what else do you want to talk about
I don't care
are any of your friends going to the camp?
I herd that my friend decided not to go so not really. just you! 😀
I am like counting the days down I am so excited to meet you it is going to be so much fun
yes! I am going to Oklahoma and then like 2 days after is camp.
cool is Oklahoma your summer vacation?
no my Aunt lives there so we are going to go see her!
oh that's cool
what you want to talk about?
I have to go my moms wants me to get off but I can talk to you at 2:00 if that's ok
perfect!! bye