I'll spend forever with you❤️//my_5sos_life


I'll spend forever with you❤️//my_5sos_life

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I'd spend 9000 forever a with you Luke❤️
what's wrong??
I know the feeling of being alone and it's not a good feeling at all.. I don't want you to feel like that.. ever. I know it's tough for you right now but things will get better. I promise.
you are Brianna. you are an amazing, strong, beautiful, lovable, kind, caring, supportive, and much more.
omg I'm so sorry. I fell asleep... what happened???
I'm just listening to 5sos.. as usual😂😂 hbu
and nice👌
so what's new
oh.. okay. can you tell me why you left your other account? it's totally okey if you don't wanna
oh.. just ignore them. whoever said that, they don't even know what their saying. you were just expressing how you were feeling and if they don't believe that then they should just leave cuz you were just expressing yourself.
oh.. who said those things
okay. I promise. I won't say anything if you don't want me too
oh.. okay. I promise I won't say anything. and just ignore waffle and melah. I know they mean a lot to you or meant a lot to you but if they said something like that to you then I know it's going to be hard but you have to ignore them and maybe just yay away from them or not be friends with them anymore. true friends would never say anything like that.
stay away*
aw no problem, anytime💕 you are too❤️
np. it's true tho:)
they need to understand that no ones life is perfect. they don't know what's going on in your life so they shouldn't be staying anything at all cuz it's just rude too.
also where are they saying all this
i just saw them..
honestly I think they just need to stop. they don't know what's going on in your life at all. and if they think you want attention then go ahead and let them think that but you just ignore them. you just gotta be the best you can be
😂😂 it should
make it whatever themes you want😂
kk. and I'm pretty sure I'll be on
haha. and I'm okey I guess. hbu
I hate studying. and why r u dying of pain??
ohhhh. are you okay?? I hope you feel better💕
no problemo💜
lol. okay baiiiii😂