I wish...


I wish...

29 1
How do you know what people see when they look at you? Are you in their mind? I'm not sure since I don't know. But if you can't than really you can't assume that no one sees you as not only a beautiful human being but also beautiful on the outside. But really...why does it matter..? Why does it matter what anyone thinks??? I mean no one has every told me I was a nice person but does that make me a mean one since no one has ever told me I was nice? I don't think so. I like to thing I'm a fairly nice person. I'm wouldn't go so far as saying: "I'm the nicest person on this planet!!!" but I still think I'm at least a kind person. I'm ranting. I'm sorry to waste your time, but if no one has ever said "you're beautiful" to you than now you have. YOU are BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE! 🤗 well bye now!
Thank you a lot! And, I personally think you're a very nice person. Reading your comment made my day.