Collage by -selcouth-aesthete-


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chill 🙄
i think it just depends on how long you’ve been on pc but also there are some people who deserve way more followers and likes than they are getting
ok whatever but can we talk about awesome bunny? some of her stuff is good but there's this one that's just a f**king picture with white text. like seriously -poppy- don't you relate your stuff is way better than theirs
and that one person who has the bunny as their icon who literally throws random sh💩t on a collage and hopes it looks good and it's literal TRASH
everyone has their own style. and you should respect that. awesome bunny has an amazing unique style and you shouldn’t have called her out like that^^. also sometimes ppl have more followers bc they’re following loads of ppl. and to me followers doesn’t really matter. I’d rather have a small group of users who take the time to appreciate my posts instead of thousands of followers who don’t even bother looking at my acc. anyway that’s all I have to say
the numbers shouldn’t matter. it’s not how many are following, it’s about why they’re following
even if their collages look horrible to you, someone else might think it looks amazing
i thought you were so nice and your account was so cool but i'm kind of questioning it now...
so are you taking about my twin sister which is Rutylious.
ok I thought you were nice but maybe I was wrong. please delete your comment on Lily’s post. if you don’t like it then don’t even bother reading it. I’m not trying to start an argument but that was really rude. lily was just sharing her opinions and you should respect that. I agree with lily I’m kinda questioning you and your account now. please apologise to her and delete the comment. if you don’t agree with her that doesn’t mean you have to be rude.
This is not a nice post. If you have your own opinion , that’s okay. But calling out people like that and calling there collages trash is NOT okay.Awesome _bunny is an extremely talented acc and her collages are not horrible, they are stunning!
and I think the person who your talking about with the bunny icon is trelawney and his collage are AMAZING he throws stuff and there and makes it beautiful, and you don’t know how long it takes for him to make it so please take down this post
addition to that, people get followers because they follow people or they have been on piccollage for a long time or they got a feature so please think about those possibility’s before making these posts
also that comment on Lily’s post...uh-uh that’s is not nice.mic you have your own bad opinion about her post keep it too your self please! please delete that comment and don’t do smth like that agian..ok?
but no h8 toward you, have a nice day
hey could u just chill a bit there dude?
everyone had there own style and some people have been on here for a long time
it was kind of really rude to call out awesome bunny like that
and u need to respect Lily’s opinions bc those are her beliefs and she has a right to share them
and you know what? if u don’t agree with her just don’t read her posts about politics. it’s rly that simple
dude, u got 100 followers in 3 frikin days! calm down n be a little more patient!
also, just a tip: ur followers might unfollow u if u dont post constantly (or if u call out someone who is actually rlly nice), just saying 💁🏽
some people have been here a long time and they just have their own style you got a lot of followers in three days you should be happy