story I wrote for puppyish- author games (it's a fake author name btw)


story I wrote for puppyish- author games (it's a fake author name btw)

22 0
haha this sounds really cool! is there a sequel/next chapter?
aww man :(
wow this is soo good
Eliminations and Round Four have been posted.
yay partners!!!
do you have Evernote?
please like and comment on my recent!
oh ok. anything else? Pinterest, whi?
Oh ok. So what theme do you want? I was thinking either something abstract or based off a colour, so something really FUN and UPBEAT and ORIGINAL
Hi guys! Round Four Update: So now hat you all have a partner (@NightProwess with @ImperfectAuthor , @SavedByLove with @EpicFish and @celestially with @CreatingPoetry ) you will need to decide what story you’re writing and which part you are doing. Please chat on the chat pages in the remixes of the Round Four collage. If you’re on schedule than you’ll talk about to today and tomorrow (11th-12th) and start writing and than the next day be finished (13th-14th) and then be done on the 16th. Remember to make your cover, when you make your cover, have one of you make the background and one of you do the text. Thanks for reading! Good luck and have fun, Daisy.
you‘re welcome!!
This is sooo good!! Have you written any more because I’d love to read it!
omg! I love this! I so need like a part 2 to this!!!! I need to know what happens!!!ahhhh😂😂