I don't know if this is a unpopular opinion but I agree with this


I don't know if this is a unpopular opinion but I agree with this

25 0
Hehe, exactly.
11-year-olds shouldn't even be on Tumblr.
I mean if they do, use it maturely
but not just with 11 year olds many people aren't attracted to people at ages where others are and that doesn't just make you asexual
true but also, kids go around saying they're straight when they might nt be
bc they want to fit in
that's not the point of this tho? it's saying that people maybe too young to have certain feelings and then when they find out about what asexual is they may think that's what they are and it may stop them from pursuing feelings later
but for example I'm not straight and I didn't know this for a long time because I've had no feelings for anyone but that didn't mean I was asexual I'm not saying people can't be asexual or that I disrespect people who are asexual I just agree that people at younger ages don't always have those kinds of feelings and should always be taught that they could be asexual when it could just be because they haven't met the right person yet
you didn't come off as rude I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't trying to disrespect you or any others
I just think that the way tumblr talks about sexual orations sometimes forgets about things like age that may effect who is learning about what they say