So I guess I'm single😖I'm 12😝I'm sad😰~Carley


So I guess I'm single😖I'm 12😝I'm sad😰~Carley

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he said he will be back in a few days :)-Mack
okay thx for telling me~Carley
you said you were 15 ~Jacob
no I'm 12 sorry for the mix up~Carley
he might be back tomorrow-Mack
okay if when he get back if he wants to talk to me tell him to~Carley
ok I will
he is coming back in a few minutes
thank you so much m~Carley
sorry for being rude earlier....-Daniel
it fine I understand why~Carley
so will you be my girlfriend again please-Daniel
yassss of course I will😘😘😘~Carley
lol *hugs you and smiles* well I gtg to bed will you talk to me tomorrow??~Carley
okay bye I love you😘😘😘~Carley I'll post we are back together tomorrow!!!~Carley
your so pretty~ me
no really you are~Riley
ps:I'm a girl~Riley
okay cool and thank you so much~Carley