➰Shadowhunters Edit➰ 
I need some advice, read the comments😕


➰Shadowhunters Edit➰ I need some advice, read the comments😕

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So there's the boy in my science class that I used to be friends with. So at first he didn't really like me or my presence at his table with his friends. But since I wasn't going anywhere I adapted to being with them and tried to be nice to them. I ended up becoming "friends" with(let's call him John) him and his friends at the table. So John, and I had frequent arguments but we got over them. Then when someone tried to take my spot at the table, John and his friends defended me and I was like "Yay I'm friends with them now!" But still John and I had arguments and they became more frequent and worse. and then it hit me! he likes me ha! (well I don't like him) and I think he figured that out because he's been calling me names, talking bad about my friends and family, and just down right mean to me. and I have no idea why?! it really hurts but I don't want him to "win". I don't want him to know how much it hurts me. What should I do?
I honestly have no idea.....sorry