I'm gonna start trying to recover I've put scaring creaming on my cuts and got rid of my blades


I'm gonna start trying to recover I've put scaring creaming on my cuts and got rid of my blades

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@caption that's brilliant and it might sound weird BC ive never really talked to you but I'm v v proud of you😊 stay strong you amazing unique individual, you can do this😊✨
hope you feel better soon
Good. :) I'm glad to know that you've chose to get better
@caption: You can do this! We believe in you!! Stay strong because you're amazing, beautiful, talented and overall awesome!! πŸ’žπŸ’ž
me too
yay! You go!!! I'm so happy for you:)
You're an amazing person and you got this! Just stay strong for all of us. We believe in you!
go to jadapotao04's page and tell her if u can do it she can too!
yay! I'm so happy for you :D
you made a decision almost no one can do....including me..... but i am so happy you were strong enough to do it!
you will heal much faster if you relax and you are doing great!!
you found the ladder out of the darkness
you can do it!!! you can give it all up!