I'm too lazy to type it again


I'm too lazy to type it again

23 0
What happened here? O_O
Dude, don't let some random person behind a screen bring you down. They're not worth your time. Now listen to me. You are beautiful, amazing, determined, and loved. All of this might sound cliche, but it's true. You've already come so far. Don't give up, now. It'll be okay.
i would nicely but snidely comment he sense out of her âšš but I already blocked her
Like I said to Peri...life is going to throw a bunch o shît at ya. Some you can dodge and others you can't. That shít gets stuck in your hair...we're here for ya. Friend or close friend
btw. Michelle says hi back.
im_a_bunny was being a jerk with sone of my things too. I had to block her
Mkay who's aśs needs a whoopin' >^>
u go Cujo!