Pokémon rp?


Pokémon rp?

19 5
on ok :)
ok I'm ready
u want to start
ok mia battles someone at a battle ring and wins Mia aww ya
guy: the next next girl is Leilani!! with flareveon crowd yamj go Leilani!
Mia smiles hey Leilani how's your adventure let's go umbreon
well its going good so far...
Mia grate well looks like we need to battle I guess
ok ready umbreon stand your ground
flareveon stand and get ready
ok your move
flareveon use your flamethrower
ok umbreon now doge and use shadow ball
doge the attack
ok umbreon ready now jump threw the hoops and use shadow ball one more time
put fire on the shadow ball
ok umbreon now jump down and use dark puls on flareon
flareveon jump up and use the flamethrower again
ok now umbreon jump and use shadow ball
flareveon doge!
ok umbreon ready you may take a hit just trust me ok umbreon go neer flareon
flareon trust me and do sneak attack
ok now ready take the hit but once you do flip up in the air and use a shadow ball on her
flareon tries to jump and use her flamethrower
ok umbreon push her down
stops her from pushing her
ok umbreon now use dark puls
guy: that's it for today well I guess its a tie!
Mia ok hey wanna go on a adventure smiles return umbreon lets go charmander
yeah sure! come back flareon and let's go eeve Landon:Leilani! can I come!