FOLLOW ME! I am shooting for 1,000 followers


FOLLOW ME! I am shooting for 1,000 followers

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I would totally go out with you
your friend is so mean
I like you ain't nothing going to change that
ik babe same here
your purple helmet friend hates me and he thinks you don't like me. is that true?
um that is not just a purple helmet it is a sick Clemson helmet and he really thinks ur ugly but no it is not true
and ur point is?
oh sry
that was a mean prank
it was a prank bc I don't even know her and I don't know why she would want to go out with someone she doesn't even know so it was a lesson not a prank she should be thanking me for teaching her not to go out with people u don't even know
so no it was not mean it was helpful
but it was halarious