Collage by JustArt04


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I think that was the right way to go. A mad friend is better than a dead friend. hopefully things work out πŸ’œ
You did the right thing. Maybe she'll get some help now. You definitely did the right thing❀️
All you wanted to do was help, which is definitely the right thing. She might get mad but it would probably be better for her in the long run. I hope things go well ❀️
you definitely did the right thing. you aren't selfish. you were trying to keep your friend safe. she's very lucky to have you. I hope your friend gets better.❀️
You definitely did the right thing. I had to do a similar thing a couple months ago. This person was absolutely furious with me for doing what I did. But fast forward a few months, and they are doing much better. Trust me, this was for the best and hopefully your friend will get the help she needs.
You did the right thing. She will thank you in the end, I promise. You are an amazing friend.πŸ’•
^thanks for the advice guys, i appreciate it
you did the right thing. it may not seem like it now, but you'll be glad you made that decision later
you did good and saved a life
of course you did the right thing
you did the right thing for sure. you told someone about it, someone who can make a real change (not that you can't) but now you need to be there for her, kind of the rock in the flowing river, be the kind, funny, caring, friend who cares so much about her friend to keep her alive. if you need to even let her know that. she may not understand it at first, but what you did is because you cared about her, and that is what she needs to know
oh my friends did that to me lasts year. I was pretty upset and embarrassed, but in the end, it was worth it. you did good
^πŸ’–πŸ’– this really helps guys. ly all
you DEFINITELY did the right thing. you could have possibly saved her life, and even if she's mad at you now, once she is helped and is better, she'll be so thankful you did this now
oh my god. YES YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! you did way better than i would have, i mean you saved her life!
and if your really worried about it, you should talk to her about it
im sure she'll understand
you absolutely absolutely did the right thing and she'll love you more for it later on
you did the right thing. she'll be mad at you but she'll understand that you just meant the best for her, and when she's older and not dead and not suicidal, she'll realize that it would have been a mistake to kill herself.
no you did make the good decision I know it feels like ya know you broke her trust but you didn't one day if it's not today she'll be thankful , Elle you saved her life even if she doesn't realize it for years you just know your the reason she's alive and not putting herself through something she doesn't deserve and look she will thank you sooner than you think just know you did the right thing and be proud of yourself πŸ’•
^thanks guys. this really helped. everything is taken care of now
you made the right choice. everyone deserves to live a long, happy, and healthy life. help encourage your friend and do the things she enjoys with her. show her how much you care and how much life is worth living. I wish you the best of luck!