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nothing I'm just mad
why're you mad Mires?
...I think you know LEX
actually I have no clue. I left to go hang with friends and all the sudden your mad at me.
whatever just stop
I'm so confused, what did I do?! Why are you so upset. I'm sorry you hate me...
... you
He said you were fake, not me. I'm sorry I believed him... He said it and I'm so gullible... I'm so sorry Mires. I'll just get out of your way to you can live your happily ever after with Ares.
wth! how am I fake you know what!since I'm apparently "fake" then stop talking to me
okay, I'll be gone if you want me gone. bye mires! it was cool meeting you. ☺️👍🏼
I like you a lot!but if you think I'm fake then we can't have anything
okay byeee✌🏼️
....so you actually believe him don't you...seriously you lied and said that was you in the profile pic and it's not
no, it's me... pretty sure it's me.
wait, I'm not allowed to talk to you anymore😂bye