


21 5
can you make chat pages for the teams
oh! i didn’t know it was a team round. I apologize
you will have to post the chat pages on ur own accs so people don’t have to scroll all the way down to find the games -Sydney
glad i could help
got one
yes it was a fun shoot!😚😚
yeah i did I'm contacting my partner now
oh ok cool
my iPhone 11 lol
thank you so much btw πŸ₯°πŸ’œπŸ’œ
hey so my partner quit the color games so what do i do lol? I'll be fine with being on my own but if you have something else in mind lmk
aw thank uu and no I’m sure you look great in them !
no you didn’t tell me I had a partner, so I did this one on my own. Sorry 😐
wow thank you!
Awww! Thanks!
sounds good. I'll turn a collage in soon