Love the Seahawks


Love the Seahawks

14 0
I'm back babe
sup that girl that was a jerk said that you are pregnant
who said that?!
that sealinas 18 girl
she's so fake. why is she spreading mean rumors
so what. y r u being so mean to us?
sup Ella
hey babe :)
I don't have school today so ya
lucky you. how come?
cause are teachers are having a meeting and because we have a lot of a hours we get a lot of days of
lucky you. I'm in math right now and I'm so borrrred
r u friends with selenauis
not no more
good. I'm really sad she said that stuff about me. it's not true. u know the truth
remember what I told u last night?
I'm deleting that bc that was personal ☺️
I love you and I think we should just ignore the drama and hate :)
okie good 😍
so you still have a hangover
no but my stomach hurts really bad
my stomach hurt last night
aw. how come? πŸ˜”
I feel like I have to throw up and I really want to go home :(
hold on I'm making something to eat
okie :)
tell me when you're back :)
I'm back
hey babe
nm. just in music rn
so r u guys friends now?
yes she is nice
we have a lot in common you just have to get to know her
I still like you Ella
ahh! sorry I'm back. I was writing an essay. I think I failed :(
are u from Seattle?
no Minnesota