Chat page for me and Madi


Chat page for me and Madi

11 0
hey girly
lol ur 2 hrs ahead of me
I have no clue what that is but okay
sorry I said wdum?
not Edinburgh 😂😂😂
oh lol
I just mean like in time ur 2 hrs ahead of me
an I think? it's a city
wait gtg so sorry dinner ttyl 😘
aw man :(
byeee ❤️
I'm back
hey 💕
hey :)
just chilling
I meant I think Edinburgh is a city
Ohhh. okay
lol autocorrect is out 2 kill us all
lol ye
anything cool happened lately
nah. just that I hit 20 FOLLOWERS IN 2 DAYS!!
congratulations ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
thank uuu 💕
soooo excited!!!!!!
ur one of my first followers who I became friends with tho
so that's pretty cool
aww thnx u 2 😘
love ❤️
I gtg soon to charge my tablet. I might be on later tho but I might not
kk bye 👋💕💕
hi xxx