Ask me my frens
And I highly recommend remixing this collage and looking at the ghost png... black background... it is amazing.
You can't see it with the white bg


Click Ask me my frens And I highly recommend remixing this collage and looking at the ghost png... black background... it is amazing. You can't see it with the white bg

74 0
are you spoooked?
that ghost thing is gr666
if you could only choose one band or artist to listen to forever who would you choose?
ryden or brallon?
^ i am disgusted by brallon
lucky number?
Rhett or Link?
Dan or Phil?
Dil or Tabitha?
Harry or Hermione?
ghosts or bats?
cats or dogs?
monkeys or gorillas?
what are you going to be for Halloween? (if you're dressing up) love the ghost png btw
that's cool I'm being captain America I honestly didn't know until my friends told me 2 weeks ago oops
very potato
if you could go back in time to witness an event (no change it) what would you choose to go see?
what was your least favorite grade in school? (like first or second like that)
and why?
whats your favorite candy and on a scale of 1-11 how Emo are u
BAHHAHAHAHA omg im dying that ghost tho๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿปanyways QUESTION: if you could choose ONLY one band to listen to for the rest of your life what would you choose?๐Ÿ˜
saw it HECK YEAH