Collage by i-love-role-play


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oh hi 👋
*knocks on door
oh ok
continue later
hey I’m back
ok let’s start
ok delete that stuff ok 👌
ok never mind
*walks over to u
hi max
hi Nikki
I didn’t know u liked the arcade
so what you been up to
nothing just been doing school and all that
*smiles back
*face turns red *
want to come over
sure if you have cheesecake
it is the best
*gives u a look and motions u to follow
*lifts up eyebrow*
*opens door to house
wow how pretty
oooo you have a doggy
so cute
yea his name is duke
soooooooo cute
we got him when he was 1 yr old
can I pet him ?
yea he seems to like u
hey want to come to my room
dog*jumps on her *
me *falls*
whoa duke down boy
he is fine
*catches u
r u okay?!
dog * licks*
dog *pants*
yea I’m fine
ok let’s go to my room
ooooooooo you have a baby brother awww so cute
ooooooo you have a kitty kat awwwww
okay let’s go to my room!
umm ok
let me pet the kitty first
and hold the baby
what there so cute
ok done
oww the cat bit me
why don’t we just leave and go back to the arcade 😒
ok let’s go to my room
and u ok?
cause I don’t know it’s quiet
yea I’m fine stupid cat
I can take u home if u want
ok then les go
no it’s fine *gives cat evil eye *
ok then off to the bedroom we go
we’re is it ?*looks around *
is it up the stairs?
*motions u to follow me
ok lead the way
*opens door to room
wow what a nice bed
it is big
*motions u to sit
umm there is a teddy bear on your bed *trys not to laugh *
that’s my brothers
awww what I cute teddy
can I hold it
*walks into brothers room across the hall and throws it on his bed
that’s rude *laughs*
and tell me why trere is a cat under your bed ?
well he has to learn come on come sit with me
? I have no clue there everywhere in this d*mn house
what is wrong with the kitty
*murmurs to self
oh nothing
what was that .
*looks at u
hey Nikki I-I like u
*looks at wall behind me *
do u like me?
uhh what was that max
I LOVE YOU MAX *giggles*
I said do u like me?
*kisses you hard
pushes u back on the bed
kisses back*
*phone rings *
ooof it’s my mom
murmurs ignore it in ur mouth
breaks kiss
I can’t ignore my mom she will kill me
ok ok answer it
ummm *thinks*
go answer it
wanna stay at my house instead?
don’t get all sassy and rude with me !
do u have a lock on ur door
brb I have to do something
ok you or the character
walks with u to ur house