


70 0
What Is Your Fav Colour
What Is Your Fav Dog Breed
my fav color is aquamarine/ royal blue, and my fav dog breed is a pug
What do you like to do in your free time?
what is your favorite sport?
what is your favorite movie?
what is your favorite tv show?
what is your favorite Christmas movie?
what 3 things do u mainly want for Christmas??????????
book- Ever Gail Carson Levine
I play on my phone in my free time
fav sport- basketball
don't have a fav movie, I like all
Christmas movie? Good luck Charlie Christmas movie
3 things I want for Christmas? New phone, New cover for my phone, Instagram account for my new phone
do you believe in Santa?
have you read Fairest by Gail Carson Levine?
what's your favorite girl meets world episode?
I want an iPhone 6 when I'm on pic colloge I'm on my moms iPhone 6
of course i believe in Santa!! I also believe in the tooth fairy, unicorns, and dragons
yes I've read fairest
I love all gmw episodes!!!
my wifi isn't working so I'm in my moms phonr as wrll
do you belive in Santa ??? I DO!!! do you have a boyfriend ??? I DONT!!!!
of course I believe in Santa! I think that boys are a waste of time at my age.
for my age
some people already have boyfriends in middle school, and I'm like, seriously? your 12/13
are you a girly girl or a Tom boy I'm kinda both
I hate sports
hey I'm terrible with hair
I really don't know what I am
I know that I'm, crazy, funny, very optimistical, sometimes stupid, most of the times to loud,
you've obviously grown up...😔