please give ideas, also this is brooke. give ideas because right now i might do the classic high school rp and try to make this somewhat normal. 
also enjoy this text style, it’s something new i’m trying


please give ideas, also this is brooke. give ideas because right now i might do the classic high school rp and try to make this somewhat normal. :))) also enjoy this text style, it’s something new i’m trying

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I’m having a brain fàrt so I’ll send ideas later!
but doing a high school rp would literally bring back so many memories for me and I think it would be successful
maybe you could do a prison rp lollll
or a space academy?
academy for something special
an office rp
maybe something based off of a tv show that you really like
lol now all the ideas are coming to me
okay i’m gonna. make a post update soon
hey hey hey
i’m a little late
but i rlly liked the music industry idea
the background looks so cool lmaoo