Contest Entry for @_cosmic-'s contest!!


Contest Entry for @_cosmic-'s contest!!

228 1
that's really cool!!!👍😄
really good! I love this style!
😜ur awesome!
ok,u aren't being rude and yes I have TERRIBLE memory...ok so I made the collage the first time and I posted it and I SWEAR I did give credit the first time I PROMSIE!😭💦💞 but I made a mistake in the collage so I deleted it and made it again and THAT time I forget t about credit I TRY MY BEST PLZZZ believe me I would NEVER EVER in my life do that on purpose I'm TERRIBLY sry I feel like a disgusting witch!😣💓 but I'll keep on trying!😞💦
I'd love it if you'd check out my ACC! your collages are beautiful...I was hoping that you could give ur opinion on some of mine?
thank you!
this is AMAZING!! ❤️🌀
This is amazing!💙
Love the detail in this! Gorgeous!
follow me plis
love it