lol I made my bio “thanks for 1.2k!!” and someone unfollowed me I’m dying 😂😂

welcome to more edgy poetry by moi! I’ve become quite the edgylord haven’t I 👌

QOTD in comments!


lol I made my bio “thanks for 1.2k!!” and someone unfollowed me I’m dying 😂😂 welcome to more edgy poetry by moi! I’ve become quite the edgylord haven’t I 👌 QOTD in comments!

45 0
QOTD: Greatest fear? AOTD: Pain. It’s why I never do anything risky, I’m afraid of hurting myself 😅 total coward and proud 👌😤
this poem is so good!
aotd- change
GORG aotd- no idea
wow this is so amazing
hiya! before you start the survey that you have amazingly volunteered to, I just need a signature. By signing, you agree to a) answer most of the questions truthfully and honestly in your own and only opinion. b) answer at least half of the questions and if so, to give a valid reason why (I’ll understand) c) to NOT make fun or bully anyone else’s opinion that I survey on and d) to have fun and read each of the questions carefully and completing them on a separate collage. thank you sm again and if you agree to all of these, please remix me with your signature or (user)name💓🌻
omg thank you !!!
a little over two hours 🙌
stunning collar btw!
great collage!