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oh yay:)
the way this is going, I think you might as well say what you like, I'm dead anyway 😂💕💜💜
I don't know how I'm going to break up with jo, even if you don't want to be with me or whatever, I dont think it's a good idea for me to be with him
for real..?
you know I'd take you back any day.. but I'm really scared about telling jo.. what should I say?
o- okay.
nope I'm too scared. I can't do it. he's going to be so mad..
I love you too 😩💜
he might cut my bxob off!
😩 stop being hOt
right okay I'm shaking right now, I don't know what to say to him..
no no I don't want him to get mad at you
if he lays a finger on you I'll cut his dîck off and feed them to my kitty!
ew no, my cat would only gag on you 🤤 oops no it's all mine
if you talk to him I promise I'll make it up to you..
^ I should leave
mm.. :/
I'm really torn between wanting you more than anything and feeling like a slāg