Idk if I'm taken anymore?


Idk if I'm taken anymore?

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hi, what's ur name?
hi sorry
my name is Anthony
ur fine lol... and nice name
Sis guess what
Kennedy finally talked to me and David and were married
Yeah she's fine now she's going home with Bailey cuz her and Lexi are both tired and we found out the gender of the baby
Yeah his name is Bryce
Yeah I can't wait for him
Hey sis your an aunt again
Hey it's ok and there's been a lot that has happened since you weren't on
yeah I've saw
Bryce and David
Yeah I had Bryce and now Davids with another girl and he got with her right after he dumped me he doesn't want anything to do with the kids and now I'm in a relationship with a guy and all Bailey and David call me is selfish
It's fine how are my niece and nephew doing sis
they r fine, really need a dad
Yeah I'm sure you'll find him and trust me I didn't think that Luke was gonna want Lexi and Bryce but he loves them he calls Lexi his babygirl
Yeah you'll find the right guy who will love you sis and my niece and nephew cuz if not they will mess with my family and when you mess with my family you mess with me so he has to love you and the kids
thx Chloe
Np I love you guys and I don't want to lose you
Yeah Lexi just said her first word
Yeah and her first word wasn't mama it was dada
Yeah has the twins dad had anything to do with them since you had them
he tried
If he doesn't want to see them or try and make an effort to be on than they do need a father figure
he kept telling me he wanted to see the kids too, that I couldn't have full custody but I took them to him one day and he didn't even talk to me, but he could go make out with some other chick so
Find someone you know will be the best father figure for the twins sis
I can't! I don't know how! or what I want! or or what's best for the kids! I'm freaking out Chloe, everyday is the same I never know if I'm doing anything right, I can't raise the kids on my own they need their dad or someone to be there father
Hey calm down I'll help you find someone ok just please stay calm I will help you with everything ok sis I got this your strong and I know it I got your back let me help I will find you someone
thx Chloe
Np and Bailey won't answer me cuz they don't really like me but go on her page and try talking to Jackson he really loves kids and he wants to adopt on maybe you guys will like each other but if it doesn't work I'll look for others sis
did u tell him about me?
No I asked Bailey if he was still single cuz my sis is looking for someone to treat her and her twins right and she hasn't answered me none of them like me cuz if what happened between me and David
Bailey said he's still single do you want me to tell him about you
I just tried talking to him, but yeah sure
He answered you sis talk to him and let me know how it goes ok I'm here if you need anything
yeah I see that, thx Chloe, we will see how it goes
Np and I have to tell you something *bites my lip*
*shows you a picture from my doctors appointment today* please don't be mad at me I haven't told anyone cuz me and Luke just found out *tears up*
wait what?
I'm....never mind I can't say it cuz I feel like you're gonna be mad at me
pregnant? why would I be mad, that's amazing!! congrats Chloe! I'm gonna be an aunt again
*smiles and hugs you* I thought you were gonna be mad and I'll tell you if your gonna have a niece or nephew
It's a girl and we have her name picked out we're naming her after his sister
nice what is it?
Naomi Faith Jackson
Yeah he's so good with Lexi and Bryce like Bryce has asleep since my doctors appointment and when we got home he was holding Bryce while he was asleep and he was holding Lexi
that's good
Yeah I just want you and the twins happy and then I'll be happy because you guys are happy
thx Chloe, Jackson is really sweet and would be amazing, but Idt he likes me
Hey don't think that he doesn't like you cuz he may like you just give him a lil bit cuz your really the only girl he's stayed talking to for a while so don't get your hopes up sis
lol don't get them up?
Don't give up on him just yet plzzz for me sis and sorry I didn't mean it like that
lol I'm not, and ik u didn't I was joking
Ok good
Lol *feels Naomi kick*
*smiles* she's been moving all morning
Yeah *smiles* I asked Luke how were going to do her nursery and he said pink with a unicorn
Lol he's still a little kid deep down inside
haha I believe it
Yeah lol but I love him and Bailey told me about Jackson on my page
huh? yeah I'm just finding out about this
Luke is till a little kid deep down inside but I still love him and yeah I wanted to tell you but I wasn't sure if he wanted you to know or if Bailey wanted me to say anything
yeah bai told me
Ik I saw I think you and Jackson will be cute together with the twins sis
ha thx Chloe but we will let him decide that
Ik I'll be happy if he asks you
Tell me what's wrong I'm here
lol nothing is wrong I was being a little sister
Ok lol *naomi kicks again*
man she's kicks a lot more than the twins did for me
Yeah Lexi and Bryce were the same way they were kickers and they have all kicked around the same amount of months
Yeah it's weird but I feel like she's just doing it so I don't get sleep tonight cuz last night I was up with Bryce every hour and now Naomi is just gonna kick all night
I'm sorry
It's ok I'll just be tossing and turning all night
that's the worst
Yeah it is
It's fine
I'm getting tired sis I think I'm gonna go to bed and get some rest I love you I hope you get some rest
ok goodnight
Good morning sis
How'd you sleep
pretty good, I feel bad cuz I fell asleep on Jackson
Awe and I'm sure it's ok sis cuz they fell asleep too
Lol guess what
Luke asked me to marry him
aww, I think they fell asleep I just got on
Yeah I told him yes but I feel like with the new baby it's gonna be to much to happen all at once so I want things spaced out
And awe I'm sorry
it'll be okay