So much has happened so far in gmw! What's your favorite episode?


*TAP HERE* So much has happened so far in gmw! What's your favorite episode?

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my favorite episode would have to be when the class went back in time, or the time they went to dig up the time capsule.
I think Riley and Farkle should get together and Maya and Lucas should get together even tho Riley might be with Charlie.
my fav episode would be the one when Riley gets bullied, no hate on Riley, it was just a good episode. Or all of them.
my fave episode is girl meets yearbook. Farkle is really cute in it
Girl Meets New Years
rileytown or anyone where riley and maya are SUPER close
my fav is totes gotta be Riley and Lucas' first date on the train. my profile pic is them from this episode.
Girl Meets Stem
Girl meets First Date
I loved those episodes
I just finished season 2 haven't started season 3!!