New RP page


New RP page

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Kitty: ?!?! *thinks what James does is cool*
*the spikes detach from the ground and are sent flying towards tyrone*
Ty: ?!?!
Kitty: *eating popcorn and clapping*
Kitty: *cheering* Go James !!
*more rise from behind and go towards him as well* good luck trying to avoid these. I control their every move
Ty: *blasts Light Sphere in James's eyes blinding him temporarily* Ha!!
! *he covers his eyes and ally's his fist, making them all explode, catching them both in the blast*
Kitty: *blasts Fire Chrome in Tyrone's even eyes*
Ty: *blinded grabs Kitty and slams her against the wall* Umph!
Kitty: *bleeding* Owww!!
*james recovers and summons a spike right underneath him*
*runs over*
Kitty: ...
*he kneels down beside her* kitty? are you ok..?
Kitty: *moans* Uh-ok...
*he picks her up and looks around at tyrone*
(u alive my FREN .3.?)
(also I'm the main account for James. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
(OKI.. see ya!
(your turn -3-)
Kitty: ...uhh
Kitty: *sits up slowly* I hate you Ty!! *throws a dagger at him*
let's get you to the nurse ok? *goes back to normal self*
Ty: KITTY!?!? *looks at his new wound*
Kitty: Uh there is no nurse...
heh... nice shot *high fives*
Kitty: don't ask...
well... i need to do something real fast...
*looks over at Tyrone*
can you do that thing with the smog kitty?
Ty: *looks coldly at James*
Kitty: *sticks a tiny pink tongue out at Ty*
Kitty: *snaps fingers makes blackout*
hehe... it's lights out for you *closes his eyes* bet you haven't had a battle like this before *he dashes at him through the darkness*
*he is able to cut deep gashes into him every time he passed*
*snaps and the darkness disappears*
can you teach me how to do that .3.?
(I'm waitin on u -3-)
Kitty: Sure!
Kitty: The key to making any kind of magic is just believing!
Ty: *fights pain* James you will never win!! *throws Shard at james*
Kitty: *snaps fingers for blackout* Hmm...*turns ground into ice*
Kitty: *little does Kitty know that James and Ty cannot walk on ice*
(actually I was rping on roblox and he was taught how to ice skate (; )
nice touch with the ice
(does he carry skates with him everywhere)
*james runs at Tyrone and cuts his hand off* *and skids to a stop in a cool pose :3*
(he can make them with the spikes they just have to be small*
Kitty: *transforms into a cat and uses claws to grip ice* Meow!
Ty: *magicaly heals hand* James you are so wimpy!
Kitty: *uses claws and slashes across Ty's face* take that!
yet you can't fight in the dark (;
Ty: *disapears*
*kicks his bรปtt and jumps out of reach*
Kitty: (cuz she's still a cat) *climbs up James's leg*
Kitty: *sits on James's head*
Kitty: *looks down at James and smiles*
heh *pats her head*
Kitty: Meow, mreow, meeon, mew!
Kitty: *turns back into a girl and makes James fall backwards crushing both of them*
Kitty: *still has claws stuck in James's coat* Sorry!
ow ;-;
Kitty: What?
I just hit my head that's all *jumps up*
Kitty: Well lunch is next
alright :/
yay! don't eat any apples -3-
Kitty: *thinking* I wonder...*quickly makes James dissapear into the lunch room*
Kitty: *in lunchroom* ok!
oh cool
Kitty: oh oh James do you want me to show you how to poison an apple?
Kitty: it's fun!
Kitty: first just grab an apple...
(oh James check out my latest post!!!!!)
*grabs it* ok...
Kitty: Now make poison spell
what .-.?
Kitty: a poison spell
I can't .-.
Kitty: I thought u were corrupt?
Kitty: I ken show u how...
really? thanks :)
Kitty: * Ok it's beed years since Kitty taught someone to make poison*
Kitty: *waves hands over apple and makes a blueish hue appear*
Kitty: now test it on me!
Kitty: oh come on!!!
but I don't wanna hurt you ;-;
Kitty: you won't
alright... *does it perfectly* ._.
Kitty: *faints*
Kitty: *fainted*
k-kitty? you alright?
Kitty: *pops up laughing super hard* I tricked you!! *laughs*
Kitty: oh come on
alright you got me... but I think I've done that before... I have forgotten some of my powers over the years...
Kitty: ...
so... what's all the other classes?
Kitty: can I ask u something personal
gtg see u in a few
ok... what is it
Kitty: well r u sure you wanna answer it?
ok... I will...
Kitty: how tall are you
4'11 (yeah he's short ๐Ÿ˜…)
Kitty: same height as me (in real life)
Kitty: anyway next class is ninja and gymnastics class
oh cool
*heads over to the next class*
Kitty: *dissapears* *turns into a cat*
Kitty: Hmm...*climbs on James's head (again)*
*looks up* be more careful this time ok?
Kitty: Mew! *nods*
ok... so... what do we do here?
Kitty: *does a headstand on James's head*
Kitty: Meow meow meow meow meow!
try not to fall .-.'
Kitty: *jumps off James's head*
Kitty: *turns into girl* ok here we train to be better
you ready for class now?
Kitty: so yeah...
Kitty: So wanna get started?
Kitty: *leaps up to a beam up 59 feet in the air* now you try no flying
heh... alright! *he jumps up in the air* *about 48 feet*
Kitty: *does backflips on the 4 inch wide beam* I'm waaaaaaaaiting!
alright... I'm gonna do it!
Kitty: Yay!
*he jumps in the air 60 feet, and lands on the beam* did it!
Kitty: try jumping down! *does a Triple Arabian to get down*
*jumps down* *faceplants* ow... I'm... ok....
Kitty: You need practice
yeah.... agreed...
Kitty: well can you do front flip
Kitty: I can teach you from there
*front flip* if I can jump like 60 feet I can do that.
Kitty: Nice
Kitty: backflip
Kitty: balance on one hand
*backflips* easy
( ye turn)
Kitty: Balence on one hand
(spelt balance wrong)
*balances on one hand* I get a lot of time to train that stuff is fine
Kitty: ok mister back to the beam
Kitty: *does 7 fancy backflips on beam and lands toes on edge without making a sound* Now u try!
*does 3 but fails on the fourth*
Kitty: *chokes on a giggle* er...
Kitty: *hacks up a hairball* Excuse me!
*looks up at her from the ground* .-.
Kitty: ...
*gets up* so... what next?
Kitty: *screams* don't look behind you!!!
Kitty: *is so scared she Dissapears*
.-. *turns around*
(classic James)
Kitty: *james sees the cutest kitten in the world*
Kitty: (is the kitten) Mew?
O_O it's so cute! *picks it up* ๐Ÿ˜Š
Kitty: *sticks out a tiny pink tounge and licks James's hand*
Kitty: *eyes get super big* Mew!
Kitty: *gives James tiny wet kisses*
*giggles* hehe... *hugs the litten*
Kitty: *turns into girl still licking James*
Kitty: ?!?! *blushes*
*looks at her blushing insanely* ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ *carrying her still*
Kitty: *blushes really hard as everyone is staring at them*
*puts her down awkwardly*
Kitty: *blushing* *runs Away Down the hall*
*runs after her* kitty?
Kitty: *continues running* *trips over her boot laces and gets back up*
Kitty: *running and crying at the same time* *tears fly behind her as she runs*
kitty wait! *still running after her*
Kitty: *runs into a wall* Umph!
Kitty: *cries*
*catches up with her* kitty... you alright? *worried*
Kitty: No...
Kitty: *sobbing* please don't ask who I really am...
Kitty: *sobbing harder* maybe you should...
*he gives her a hug from behind cause he's behind her (:P)* your ok kitty... no need to be upset...
Kitty: *sobbing* just ask who I really am...
... kitty... who are you really? I won't think of you differently... ok?
Kitty: ...y-y-your...
Kitty: ...orphan sister!
*eyes widen* really?
Kitty: *nods through her tears*
Kitty: t-th-that's why your baby picture looked like me...
Kitty: but I got taken along with Mum and Father, who later were killed,...
Kitty: I used my powers to run away...and ever since then I've survived in the woods...
(jaybus how many times will I have to change the backstory of James XD?)
Kitty: until I came to the school and met you...I didn't wanna say it right away but...
(I'll just make this an AU *alternate universe* maybe :P is that fine?)
*he hugs her tighter* awww your fine... *smiles* nice to know that I'm not alone... that I actually have family...
(but do beware Kitty is always where James is but she will go with that U RP instead)
Kitty: I-i- I'm your twin...
*stops hugging her and turns her around with his hands on her shoulders* looks it's ok... it's ok if your my twin... *he starts to tear up a little bit* I just always wanted someone like that in my life *hugs her again tightly*
Kitty: *smiles* *hugs James a lot to tight*
thank you for telling me *full on crying now*
(this is rare for James consider Yourself lucky)
Kitty: *licks James's tears up* Hey we are here and all in one piece, we're not gonna die right now...
Kitty: excuse my licking habits...
I-it's fine...
Kitty: *nom nom* Oh jk!!
*crying more*
Kitty: *hugs*
t-thank you *sniff*
Kitty: *mor hugs* You are the best brother ever!!