Thoughts on allegiant movie?! What the heck even happened? You can't just not kill her! There must be a part two or else everything is all messed up! I can't handle it at all! I mean the books already ruined my life but then this? I can't anymore...


Thoughts on allegiant movie?! What the heck even happened? You can't just not kill her! There must be a part two or else everything is all messed up! I can't handle it at all! I mean the books already ruined my life but then this? I can't anymore...

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can u like my latest post thx
li think there is going to be pt 2 cuz the trailer said pt 1
oh really that's good because it can't end like that!!
I knowwwwwww like TRIS DOES NOT EVEN DIE
I'm just really mad at the alligent movie cause IT SUCKS
it does and it's depressing