can somebody tell me how to loose weight? i have a feeling ive put some weight on and i want to loose it so id really appreciate it if someone would tell me how? 💓 x


can somebody tell me how to loose weight? i have a feeling ive put some weight on and i want to loose it so id really appreciate it if someone would tell me how? 💓 x

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drink no sugar soda and dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate
try not to eat that much sweets and sugary things also do a lot of running / exercise
i honestly think that you are perfect just the way you are, but self image is a big thing. So some tips I have for you is to drink a cup of water before bed every night, not only is it good for you, But it can help you lose weight. Every morning establish a work out that will last you about 15-20 minutes. do the same thing at night. Try to stay away from sugary, carbonated foods. Also eat natural organic foods. (Pinterest is a really good app for looking up meals and workouts). Get at least 8+ hours of sleep EVERY night. This is all I have so far! I hope I helped :).