What do you think of the new Big Q style? I've never changed it because I wanted the BigQs to be recognizable. But what a bite to have the same pic every week! Should I do a different background each time?


THOU SHALT CLICK OR PERISH! What do you think of the new Big Q style? I've never changed it because I wanted the BigQs to be recognizable. But what a bite to have the same pic every week! Should I do a different background each time?

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BORE, not BITE! I solemnly swear never to bite any of you!πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚
I think that if something is temporary it can go either way, but because it's temporary and you only have it for a certain amount of time that can make you treasure it more in the little time you have it😊that's just my opinion and btw I really like this!
no it doesn't πŸ‚
& yes I clicked!! do a new backgrounds every time! it's cool πŸ˜πŸ’•
I think that the new theme is great. In an account as great as yours, repetition is not bad, though I think it is nice to change things. Perhaps a different picture each week, but the same format.😌
if an object is temporary, it doesn't matter because it can have such an impact. if an idea is temporary, then it doesn't have an effect, rendering it useless.
I like the new background. maybe you should do a cetain amount of them in a row, then switch and do the same number in a row.
maybe change it each month?
Yup! Whatever's on my mind goes into the questions.πŸ˜„
I like the background! And you think of all of that in your head? Whoa you are amazing! Okay now let me see if I can answer this well, something being temporary it decreases in the amount of time put into it, but it neither increases or decreases any value. Something being temporary is for a short period of time or a certain length of time, therefore it increase the amount of patience but decreases the amount of time. I'm not sure if that makes too much sense!πŸ˜‚
I miss these!!! I wish you would do more! I love reading through them!! But I respect whatever your decision was why you stopped. You usually have good reasoning. Anyway, to answer the question, I don't think that the fact that something is temporary really changes something's TRUE value. But I suppose that limited edition is the same thing and those things are usually more expensive or in higher demand... which is value... but I believe a person decides for themselves how much something is worth. And while the fact that something is temporary may be one of many factors of decision, i suppose it could change value but only as much as a person decided and so could anything else (any of the other factors). If that makes sense?πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ So yes or no depending on who you are and your own beliefs and reality🌹