Hello. Check comments Please. Thank you :)


Hello. Check comments Please. Thank you :)

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awe thanks 💕 and haha beat ya
Tomorrow is the last day of school! I'm felling good. I'm doing some cleaning. I'm just really excited. I'm excited that I get a fresh start. This grade was really hard for a lot of reasons, but the main one was friends. I never got to have a solid friendship with any of the friends. I'm hoping that this year, I'll have a closer, better friend. My grades sunk this year. They just hit an all time low. (this is going to sound conceited) I'm not a dumb kid. I go to a fancy private school and I do really well in tests. But my grades were just not good this year. I was focused so much on my friend situation that i forgot the main point of school. to learn. and finally, this year was confusing for me, personally. I figured myself out this year. I decided what I wanted to do with the next 3 years of my life (which is pretty much listen to "emo" music and binge watch d&p). Sp this school year was a "development year". I figured out who I am for the next three years, which is great, but I have to get some new friends. :). I know a lot of you won't come to the comments or most of the comments are going to be "What?! I have _____ days left of school?!!??????!" so, good luck to everyone who still has school. You'll make it, and one day you'll be just as excited as me.
*feeling. I wrote Felling. whyyyY
yay for fren 🎉🎉🎉 I'm glad you're happy fren 👍👍💛 also (reply) ikr the buns bun'sso fluffy
bun's so*
I have 32 days left and VSOLs today. oh joy lol (Virginia Studies Of Learning)
and thank you for the congrats 😂
good luck on your last day! i still have 2 1/2 days left lol
good job fren I get out of school on the 16th so wish me luck