 isnt a kpop related post but i need to remind you people that i LOVE yamaguchi okay, he is my son and he needs to be loved

Also you need to stan Vromance they are heaven itself


//TAP\\ isnt a kpop related post but i need to remind you people that i LOVE yamaguchi okay, he is my son and he needs to be loved Also you need to stan Vromance they are heaven itself

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sorry I read this wrong it's meant to say MY son????
re// there must be something wrong with my eyes haha I swear it should say he's MINE
re// it's just really strange because he is DEFINITELY mine so therefore it should say MY SON
re// I can agree to that
re// niice does this mean we get to have family dinners
re// and strawberries
re// ugh mangoes are disgusting
re// if I wanted to eat yellow mush I'd have some butter not some squidgy mess that smells like soap
re// eh alright but we definitely need strawberries bc that will attract the Tsukki™
re:// you're so sweet??? (tHANKYOU 🌱♡)
okay but like yamaguchi is literally the cutest♡