DONT FIGHT JUST HELP ME and I don't care anymore if u wanna fight me go do that because I already have something bad and that's me


DONT FIGHT JUST HELP ME and I don't care anymore if u wanna fight me go do that because I already have something bad and that's me

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hey caity I'm so sorry you feel like this. I might have felt the same, when my parents split up, I cried and cried AND cried. but I realised feeling terrible and putting my self down only made me feel worse and I got over it after a while. I still have trouble getting to sleep some times, mostly because I miss the other parent. if it really is this bad you need to tell someone, like your parents and maybe see a someone to help. I'm sure it would be super hard telling people but I'm sure it would help
thx and I know but really I'm fine my parents know now and I go in my room and spend sometime in my room to I can calm myself down and there's nothing to be sorry for its just what happens to everyone btw I know how your parents splitting up feels like since mine split at age 3