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Hey can i please have my account back?I'm actually begging you
I just scream shouted that
Please if you have it just it back,what do you from me?
to just talk
Alrright we will talk can I just have my account then?
You could have just remixed me to talk instead of hacking me,im a nice guy
it's not called hacking lol, hacking is were other people logs into your acc
Are you the one that hacked me or not?
he is a nice guy..he's my brother!
omg Vannah just got here crying
I'm not a hacker
Okay I believe you I'm Jay:)
nice to meet you,how are you cole?
scared, u
Why you scared?I'm just having a mini panic attack:(((
jay I rlly need to talk to you about something
my twin is having here baby rn, and Vannah just ran here crying bc Cleo (my twin) are best friends and so yeah, and why u having a minI panic attack?
That's so cool,Ohhh hopefully she feels better. oh it's fine I'm all good now
same, but the bad thing is Cleo is a single parent and her baby daddy just left her 5 months ago
Oh god that's horrible is he helping out on the baby or anything?
he doesn't even care about Cleo or the baby
That's such a disgusting move,who does that?Both Cleo or the baby don't deserve that
yeah, he does, and yeah it's took months to calm Cleo down
I honestly wish the best for Cleo and the baby. Is the baby a boy or girl?
it's a baby boy
Awh how old is he?
the baby is just getting born rn so yeah
Ohh yea forgot. Have they picked a name yet?
yes they have
What is it?
I will posted
Post the name?
I posted something