Help what do I do?


Help what do I do?

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what is a thinspo?
pro Ana (anorexia) pictures of thin girls used as motivation to not eat
oh I'm sorry. one- please don't become anorexic (if you are not already). I'm sure you are beautiful. two- I would tell your sister not to tell. and if she does, I would come up front with your mom and tell her what's going on
I've been anorexic for a while, I can't just ask my sister not to tell because she was almost bulimic when she was my age, and I can't tell my mom, because she thinks I'm fat and would yell at me
well if your sister was bulimic I doubt that she would tell your mom because she understands. And your mom doesn't think you are fat because if you have been anorexic for a while then there is so way you are fat
no way
Just make a deal with your sister or tell on your sister when she's about to tell on you
my mom knows that my sister was almost bulimic, and my sister might tell, and I don't eat much but I still struggle to lose weight, I'm 135 and 5'2
that's sounds normal!!! most of my friends are about like that. I'm 107 and 5'6 but my whole family weighs like nothing lol
I'm hoping she won't say anything because she believes in privacy, and knows I wouldn't tell on her, my family never talks about this sort of thing because my mom is supper anti eating disorders even though she's had several
wow you're tall! my whole family is overweight, but my two of my sisters are very slim, because I'm so short I show fat a lot, I just want the emotional abuse to stop
my other sister, always picks at my weight, and asks how much weight I've gained
lol. but trust me, u will never b satisfied with your body. I'm not. ppl tell me all the time I look anorexic and I think I'm fat. loosing weight the wrong way won't help at all
I really try it's just easier said then done, I'll eat normally but the exercise and take a cold bath to burn the calories, I've tried and tried again but I always relapse
ya I know it's hard I struggle with it too sometimes. one thing that keeps me going is that if u ask a guy what kind of girls he likes he always says normal girl... as in not anorexic girls
I'm not the type of girl who cares what boys think, although I guess guys like me because there always starring at me,
exactly! then ppl think you are beautiful! and that your body is perfect! guys pay attention to girls body's and they wouldn't to a bad body
it's kinda creepy these guys are like 10 years older
😂 the same thing happens to me. how old r u?
I think they're starring at my chest
I'm 13 to! I can totally relate except the usually look at my legs and butt 😂
yeah they stare at my butt as well,
first guy that ever checked me out was working at chipotle, best burrito bowl I've ever had😆
😂😂😂 wow. would u consider yourself boy crazy
no!!! he put extra sour cream! he was NOT attractive I have never found a boy cute EVER
no way!!!! I am super boy crazy and to me they r all sooooo hott 😂
no! okay Kim Soo Hyun is kind of cute. just not my type
😂 idk who that is
😂 it's a girl
no he's not! Kim is his last name
😂 oh then google pulled up the wrong person lol
he's a Korean actor
OHHHHHHH got it lol he's sorta cute
in America his name is Soo Hyun Kim
yeah he's just not my type
ya I've never heard of him lol do u know who josh hutcherson is?
yeah only because he played Peeta
he dose not fit the part
lol I love him! why do u think he doesn't fit it?
Peeta is supposed to have curly golden hair and "striking" blue eyes
😂 well josh is adorable
sort of, he's kinda cute in the quoter quell reaping
I agree
what's your favorite movie?
oh man that's a hard one idek lol what's urs
Frozen! duh😆 jk ummm.... Frozen
😂 that used to b my fav but now it's just annoying lol
a little but I wasn't allowed to watch it for a year and then it was the only thing my sisters watched
umm... Catching Fire was okay, I prefer reading to movies
me to!!!
what's your favorite song? mine is gentleman my Will Jay
oh boy I have no clue but I am madly in love with one direction so something of theirs 😂
I love their old stuff
but not the new!? 😱
they're taking a break, and zayin left
I have no idea how to spell his name
zayn? ya. lol but they r not ok break yet
really? I only know what my sister says
😂no it will b a while
oh, my sister tells lies! lol
😂😂😂 hey I have to go it's night time here bye