Ik it's kinda short, but this is just part 1 of chapter 3


Ik it's kinda short, but this is just part 1 of chapter 3

4 0
I love the part: not literately it just felt like it.
what happens to her when she's gone? cuz I know something bad/annoying/time-consuming happens, and she's gonna get lost/hurt when she tries to get back to Katiana
re:// the only reason I wouldn't support Natheo is because of who the second person is
I don't care if it works out, like I'm not gonna be mad about it or anything, I just don't like him. He's funny in math, but I don't LIKE him.
Hey, if you don't see this, I'm prob gonna be gone for most of the day today, and I can't go on Story at all, sooooo....
and now I have to leave...