Breakfast rp


Breakfast rp

16 16
Annabeth: comes down looking tired
Diego: *was already in the room eating his food*
Crystal: *eating Eggos *
(LEGO my ego)
Annabeth: ( goes over to Diego) Hey Diego!
(hey peoples how you doing?)
Diego: hey! *gestures for her to sit next to him*
Annabeth: sits next to him
Annabeth: so how was your morning?
Diego: fine, you?
Annabeth: ( goes to get waffles and thne goes back)
Annabeth: its ok.
Evan: *walks in*
Annabeth: my life could be worse...
Crystal: ?
Diego: well you got me *kisses her cheek*
Evan: *sees crystal and smirks as he walks by*
Diego: *grins*
Crystal: I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Crystal
Evan: *pauses giving a once over before popping a toothpick in his mouth* Evan *nods his head as his way of saying hello*
Annabeth: ( places her head on Diegos shoulder)
Crystal: *smiles*
Diego: *strokes Annabeth head*
Evan: *smirks*
Annabeth: ( closes her eyes)
Annabeth: ( smiles )
Diego: *kisses her 4head*
Evan: *grabs a chair and spins it around siting on it backwards placing his arms on the back rest taking her tooth pick out* so we’re ya from?
Mal: hey Evan
(any peeps on)
Ava: Hey everyone
Mal: hi guys. *her face looks very tired because she didn't sleep after her nightmare*
hey guys im back!
I’m here...
i like her outfit!
Your welcome!😂😂😂
Sorry, wrong punctuation😂
oh 😂😂😂😂
Annabeth: ......
Grace ran in, about to drop the book she was holding.
Annabeth: (sees Grace) you ok?
“I’m fine!” Grace said dropping her books on a table.
Annabeth: ok...
“I was just carrying a little to much.” Grace said sitting down
Annabeth: I feel like that all the time! ( says with a laugh)
(Holo Kat’s here)
“Me too.” Grace said laughing
(Allo everyone!)
Mackenzie: “hi” she says tiredly and goes and sits down at a table
celesta walks in rubbing her eyes. she walks into the door frame and falls to the floor. "oof". she shakes her head
Annabeth: hey guys
Alex:*walks in and walks over to the buffet*
Annabeth: hey Alex!
Alex:Oh hey Annabeth!
Annabeth: hey(smiles)
Grace walked over to the buffet while reading her book and grabbed a muffin.
Alex:How are you and Diego doing*sips flaming hot coffee*
Annabeth: we are doing really well!
Annabeth: gets a cup of coffe
Mackenzie walked up to the buffet grabbed some pancakes and walked back to the table
Alex:Great!*she smiles*
Annabeth: yeah (smiles)
Annabeth sips her coffe
Alex:*walks over to an empty table and eats her bagel with the coffee*
Alex:*turns around*Oh hey Monika Good Morning!
Alex:Just eating.
celesta stood up and went over, grabbing a berry smoothie and smashed avocado she sat down and ate by herself
Alex:*sees Nolan grab the bag and gets up* Umm.. I better get going..Bye!*and follows Nolan*
( i am playing five nights at freddys right now)
Alex:*hides somewhere so Nolan wouldn’t she her and thinks*-What is he up to?
Alex:*thinks*-What Secret?
Alex:*pretends to Leave*
Alex:*whispers to herself*The..Box?*breaks a twig*
Alex:*changes her British accent to a French one*You Don’t know me Nolan and probably should not have that box..
celesta smiles at monika: hey. morning
Alex:*walks out behind the bush using her water powers to float the box in her hand*
Alex:I already know what’s in there Nolan what did Monika do to you?*takes out dagger from her left pocket*
Alex:And I am pretty sure I will win that game.*reaches into her right pocket getting another dagger*
Mal eats her pancakes, glumly
Alex:Sure! Her Sister will never find this school anyway! And I am not in any sort a of danger!!!
Alex:*runs after Nolan* I am pretty sure I know!
Mal shivers and stares into the distance, wanting to go to the lake. She gets up pushes in her chair, and then sits back down. In her nightmare she was walking to the lake. She didn't want her dream to become reality.
Alex:I have live a similar life Nolan! I know how it feels!
I have arrived
Mal breathes heavily
(Wellllcooommmeee back to the pixel kingdom)
pixel kingdom?
Cara: she runs to the lake. it was beautiful, for sure. she frowns and looks up at the sky. it flickered with lightning and thunder. her dad was upset with her about her deciding not to rule. she was devastated. not because she wasn't going to rule, but because she probably would never meet her dad. ever. "why can't anything be easy.." she muttered.
Alex:I can probably relate to most of her life..Tell me her real story.
(Yup your screen is made out of pixels)
Mal goes to the lake because she knows Cara was there
Mal: hey Cara
Alex:Fine I will.*runs toward to Monika pulls up a chair and says* Monika what is the real story about your life?
Mal: how are you?
Alex:It’s okay Monika I know how it feels...
Mal: ......
Alex:You lied what is the real story!*looks her in the eyes*
Alex:I am sorry Monika
Alex:*runs after Monika*Hey it’s okay!
Cara: she turns. "hey." she sighs, she really wanted to be alone right now.. "um, mal.. can you give me a minute?"
celesta finishes her food and walks down to the lake. she sees Cara and walks over. celesta: hey Cara (softly)
Alex:*her face turns pale shakes her head* What made you want to kill her?
Alex:How could you...*starts to walk of*
Alex:That’s never a reason to kill anyone Monika! Your own Blood?
Alex:You are already evil Monika! One of the most wicked people I have ever met!
Alex:I understand you have a sad life but it is selfish to think that you are the only one with a depressing childhood! My mom never loved me she slapped me and said I should not have ever been born!
Alex:But not all evil people need to die Monika! You don’t need to die! Death is the last thing this school needs!
Alex:*writes a Note to Monika* Hey...I want to apologize for everything That I said.. Your a wonderful person..It’s just hard for me to think about Sisters killing Sisters and I hope you can approve of my apologie.-Alex*leaves the note on the door and walks away*
Alex:*sits on her bed and doodles on a notepad*
cara: “hey...”
(Your Probably right)
celesta: spill. : the pair basically could feel the other emotions and celesta knew something was bothering Cara. she was there to help
Alex:*taps her pen on the paper not knowing what to draw*
Alex:*walks out her door seeing the note and reads it walks back inside her dorm and draws more*
(I’m on! but I’m with younger family friends so I may have to babysit or play with them...)
(Anyone on?)
(I’m onnnn)
cara: she sighs. “it’s just.. stressful.” she looked down. “between brody, and dad, and school.. quitting, regret.. it’s too much.. way too much..”
(Holo everyone)
celesta wrapped an arm around Cara. celesta: hey it's okay. I'm here for you.
Alex:*finds herself wondering around the school and sees Maddy*Oh hey..Where is Hannah?
Mackenzie: *finished eating and got up and walked around trying to find something to do*
bella died. 😶😶
cara: “thank you..” she looks up at the sky and the lightning flashes. she sighs.
eek the guy who played barney has forever scarred me...
jacannah? you mean Jaddy? 😂
(Imma confuzzled so who’s taken and who’s not)
(what did I miss?)
(I think Jacob is taken with Bianca but idk. I also think that Nolan is technically dating Monika but it’s really confuzling)
(I got away from Barney)
celesta: so, explain slowly everything and I will try solve the problem... she smiled supportively
(did I miss a lot?)
not really
Azule: *walks into breakfast looking really tired and slumps down in a chair half asleep*
(im here but don’t know how to communicate)
(I’m here)
Taylor: *flops down next to azule* “hey”
(she’s still at the school right? I feel like a missed a lot)
(Taylor will rp with Mackenzie if u want)
(oh Hannah!)
Azule: huh? *sluggishly turn* oh hey Taylor *smiles* sorry I’m really tired I stayed up till 2 last night working on my new song *rubs eyes and yawns*
Taylor: “it’s cool, I’m really tired too” *stretches* “how’s the song coming along? if you ever want a fellow song writers opinion, you know where to find me” *smiles*
(I forgot. who’s Avery?)
Mackenzie: *goes back in from wondering around and sits next to Taylor and Azule* “Morning Guys” She says tiredly
Taylor: “you exhausted too? welcome to the clubs” *weakly laughs*
Mackenzie: “ Yup, stayed up late thinking. I’m happy to be in the club”
Taylor: “anything new with you?”
Mackenzie: “Not much, it’s been boring since all the “excitement” last night”
jacob isn’t dating bianca.
and im only alive to prove i’m sleeping like a normal person. 😂
Azule: sup Mackenzie
Mackenzie: “nothing much you?” she asked Azule
(what exactly happened last night?)
(ya know, Grace cut herself and Mackenzie tried to help but only made matters worse. Adrien almost died but Emma save him. and I think Hannah died)
(oh. how did Hannah die? suicide?)
Azule: nope not really well except..... *she gets her phone out along with earbuds and puts one in Taylor’s ear and one I makenzies ear* this is my new song I’m working on it’s not finished yet but I want y’all to here it *its about friends and how they’re always there to keep you happy*
(I honestly don’t know, it got very confusing. But I think suicide)
Mackenzie: “Man, Azule! this is tea good. I never knew you could do this!”
Taylor: “this is really good! do you want any help with finishing it? after all, we are your friends”
ring a ling a ling
(it’s tea good! yea👏👏👏👏👏)
(hoi Maggie)
(oh yea. Brody tried to save her and stuff)
Alex:Wait Hannah Died?
(Sorry for late response)
(can someone maybe comfort Taylor? she’s breaking down in tears outside of Trent’s room)
(why? sorry I’m new so I don’t know all the details
(basically Trent saw so texts between Taylor and Luke and he thought she was cheating on him so he ran out and she is now crying but I gtg to bed so night)
(just go to the dinner post, then the Trent’s room remix, and read the last few comments)
Alex:...Wow..But..She said she was fine..
oof. I gtg to swimming lessons. u will be asleep when I get back so cya tmrw :))
(Byee Have fun)
(Kayla can u do it on the other post plz)
Alex:I guess I did..
(go to the dinner post, than Trent’s dorm remix)
(ohhh I get it now)
Alex:I know now and I knew something was up but.. I didn’t know how to handle it so I left her alone..
Mackenzie: “I’m gonna go check on Taylor...” she says to Azule as she walks up to Trent’s room
Alex:Yup..I just hate that I didn’t do anything Hannah was a great person..
(ahh yes. Mackenzie has a sense that lets her know when someone is in trouble😂I love her!)
Alex:It must be the hardest for you..
Alex:Losing someone you love can be tough it’s second nature to me now.
Camille sits down and begins to eat.
hey hey hey. guess who got 4gigs of data this month so I can be on more :)) when I have time that is but still :))
yayayay maggie sorry I’ve not been on too much I just had a 45 bike session then a 30 minute run session then a 30 minute strength and conditioning session then an hours swim! 😰 but I got pancakes! 🥞🥞🥞
I’m dead inside 😭😭😭
(nm basically everyone’s eating and Maddie and Alex are mourning Hannah and Trent and Taylor got into a fight cause he thought she was cheating on her w/ luke so know makenzie is comforting her)
Azule: *walks over to Camille’s table* hey Camille where you’ve been we haven’t seen you in agessss *sits down next to her*
Alex:*sips some tea at a table*
Alex:*spills her Tea* Oh Monika She is with Family..Wait a minute..Just read this*hands Nolan the Note*
Alex:*runs after Nolan using her water powers to make him slip*Nolan Stop she just went to talk!
(Camille is back! oh yea btw Taylor is dating trent now so...)
cara: “i “resigned” or whatever you want to call it. i’m not going to rule.”
(k Taylor’s coming even tho she’s technically with Trent)
Taylor: *txts Monika* hey how r u?
Alex:Okay.*Walks of And sees Taylor* Hey Who ya texting?
Taylor: *hides her phone* “no one”
Alex:Come on I saw you texting!
Taylor: “so. since when do you care?”
Alex:No reason...*glances at her phone* Oh Monika!
Taylor *txts M* great. hey, how’s Nolan? I haven’t seen him around and when I do he seems pretty distant
Taylor: “why are you suddenly always around me?”
Alex:Some personal reasons...
Alex:And to be honest I am pretty bored..
Taylor: *txts M* do u think he’d talk to me?
Taylor: “so your hanging out with me because your bored and because of personal reasons? what happened to the fact that we hate each other because of...”
Alex:We do hate each other..*taps on her cup of tea*
Taylor: *txts M* k. I’ll try to find him. have fun! tell me all about it when u get back😁
Taylor: “well, bye Alex...” *wanders around, looking for Nolan*
Alex:Bye..*thinks*- I wonder if Monika is doing okay..
Taylor: *walks over to nolan* “can I sit?”
(Hello Elisza)
Taylor: “I’m Taylor by the way. I’m friends with Monika”
(I just finished with my dance competition today!!👍🏻👍🏻)
(Congrats!👏 u dance? what type?
(did u guys die?)
(I did)
Ava: walks in and grabs some waffles *hey guys how is everyone*
Taylor: “maybe because your a pretty cool guy?”
(gtg. we’re going skiing!)
cuuuuuute ❤️❤️
yes I’m actually watching them soz 😂😂😂
(I’m bacccccckkkkkk)
(what did I miss?)
(oh okay, thanks)
celesta looks at her, surprised: oh! okay...
(anyone on?)
cara: she sighs. “you don’t get it...” she mutters. not even her twin could understand her. no one could.
celesta grabbed Cara's hand: hey. I'm here for you. so I you need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to talk to, I'm here.
celesta smiled at her and sang softly- Count me in by dove Cameron
Azule: *bored wandered around school*
Azule: *went to her dorm and grabbed her guitar then walked to the private spot in the garden were hardly anyone knew about and started to play her new song about love and about daniel*
😭 no one oneeee
Mackenzie: *heard a guitar in the garden and went towards it*
yayyyy someone’s on 😂
(yup, finally today😂)
Taylor: *waits for Nolan to finish his call* “how’s Monika?”
Taylor: “Nolan Wait!”
daniel was in the garden and saw azule walk past. he watched her go through a hedge and he peeped through the leaves and listened to her sing
Mackenzie went up behind Daniel, looking and listening to Azule with him
(stalk much?😂)
(ha yeah😂😂)
bahaha. lol.
daniel didn't notice Mackenzie and he continued to watch azule. his phone slipped out of his pocket but he didn't notice
Mackenzie: Hey, you dropped this. *she hands him his phone*
Mal breathes heavily
Azule: *stops and scratches out a part and rewrites it she wanted this song to be perfect*
Mal goes over to the balcony and looks at the sky.
Mal walks over to Azule and says, "Whatcha writin'?"
Congrats on the feature Kayla.
Mal: looks cool
where's hannah?
I want to create a little drama
oh. I haven't been around in a while... 😬😬😬😂
Mal starts texting Avery. 'hey. I'm Mal'
Mal: 'I think we may have. when did you get here?'
Mal 'I want you to know that ur not alone...'
Mal breathes heavily. something made a chill go down her spine. she worries about her nightmare.
'I knew that u and her were friends. I don't want you to feel sad. somewhere inside of me I miss her... even though I kinda was her enemy...'
'but that's a story for another day'
'we got off on the wrong foot we sorta hated each other from the beginning... I don't wanna talk bout it'
'what r ur powers? mine are water and ice'
Mal looks up from her phone to see Samantha staring at her. She gets chills again.
'do you ever feel.. idk... watched here?'
'like someone is constantly making sure of what ur doing. it's been happening a lot to me now.'
'it really freaks me out' she gets chills and feels close to fainting 'I...
Mal falls back
she gets thrown over someone's shoulder. her nightmare is coming true....
(nightmare was in the remixes of last collage)
Malory's phone falls out of her hand onto the table in the dining room...
Mal hears the sound of the waterfall. she knows where she is... for now. She tries to scream, but can't because the person carrying her gagged her.
Mal is scared because she hears two sets of feet. One is the person carrying her, the other, she thinks, is Samantha...
Malory starts kicking and flailing her arms to get out of her carrier's hold
Mal wastes her energy and stops
azule: *still sitting there tweaking her song wanting it to be perfect*
the person carrying Mal slows and then stops. he throws her onto a cold metal table, just like her nightmare
Mal tries to scream, but only a small peep comes out
Mal sees Samantha in the corner and someone who looks like Kenner standing above her. Malory breathes heavily
(ok so taylor and Trent have made up butttttttt they might be breaking up should they? or should they not?)
(if they did they would definitely get back together tho)
Mal realizes that it's not Kenner, but a lookalike to confuse her
Mal: help *says with what seems like a last breath*
Mal breathes in and slowly lets it out, scared
Samantha(or is it a clone?): don't worry, darling. it's okay...
Mal: Sam? Why?
Mal: orphanage. happening again... The Kenner lookalike injects Mal with a liquid that makes her fall asleep.
Kenner lookalike: Are you Avery? You might be next if you step any closer or tell anyone anything.
Samantha(clone?): Step back. Calm down. Don't say anything. Just go back to the school and you'll be safe...
everything is said in a calm, but cruel, voice.
Sam(clone?): GO! NOW! or. else......
she pulls out something that looks like a gun.
Kenner lookalike pulls out an injector filled with the liquid he used to put Mal to sleep.
Sam(c?): Are you scared now, little girl?
SamC? pulls out a knife as well... she threatens to use it
(this is so fun!)
(btw ur RP doesn't suck)
Mal shakes slightly, but the whole room rumbles.
SamC?: Oh no. it's happening again. *whispers to Kenner lookalike*
Kenner lookalike: shhh!
SamC?: Wow! This Is What we have to deal with? A LITTLE GIRL and someone with a prophecy that is asleep..... uh oh. why did I say prophecy?
Mal shakes harder and tightens her fists, starting to lift herself up, using water.
Kenner lookalike: ugh. *slaps himself on the head* Clones are horrible henchmen. they are blabber mouths.
Mal starts making weird faces, trying so hard to wake herself up fully.
Clone: uh. I. oh no. *flys off because "she" can't handle it anymore
Mal: Prophecy? *whispers so quietly you could barely hear*
A scream comes from somewhere nearby
HELP!!!!! *muffled* SOMEONE HELP ME!!!
Mal starts to push herself up, but she was in pain. Kenner lookalike hears the screams and "calmly" walks/runs toward it so Avery won't go to it
the screams start to get quieter and then are gone. Kenner lookalike comes back to deal with Avery. "You better be careful, LITTLE GIRLY."
Kenner lookalike: for now... *he turns around and starts to make a potion called 'Youngify You'* (not very creative😂)
the lookalike sheds the Kenner skin to show a wolf. little fairies hover around him. (I've been reading school for good and evil)
Wolf: Not true. *reads description from book* 'This potion will work on anyone. Powers or Not. No matter the power, no matter the time.' See?
NO SPOILERS. I'm only on the first book. 😂😂
Wolf whispers to himself: Gosh. I hated that skin. He had dandruff... *itches himself*
I have a really and ear infection and I can’t go to sleep it’s 4am 😭😭😭
*bad not and
Screams echo through the woods
my mom changed her mind
Mal tries to stand up, but is in pain. The injection made her fall asleep and have pain....
She grunts
Mal feels strapped down, and then realizes that she is.
Mal: open the strap...
(hello? Kayla? Are u dare?)
Now I have to go. bye
eh gtg night guys
probably soon cause taylor will need u
(Trent basically just dumped Taylor)
oh snap
Cara sighed. “Thanks.. but there’s nothing you can do.” she looked up at the flickering sky. “i’m a disappointment.”
(Hello guys! It's me KAT What happened when I was gone?)
erm idk I’ve not been on either 😂
(Guess I have to read 546 comments)
can you come Caeli?
Mal: that wolf said something about a prophecy... about me.... *she walks back to the dining room, shivering*
celesta hugged Cara: you are NOT a disappointment. you are perfect. never forget that.
Mal wonders if the cloned Samantha was the one following her the whole time, but then she realized that this clone was ruder than the other. Maybe there were two, she thought. Then where was the real Samantha? Mal decides to walk to the lab, knowing that the wolf was gone. She hears screaming and walks towards it. Could it be?, she thought. She slowly walks in, and sees what did is pretty sure is the real Samantha, trying with all her might to free herself. Mal unties everything and Sam hugs her. Sam says, "I thought that maybe you would come. I've been here since I left. That wolf wanted me to scare you, but I refused, so he cloned me twice. Just in case. I was so nervous about what they would do to you. He kept talking about a prophecy with you in it. I don't think he liked its contents. I'll tell you the prophecy later, but first, could you show me around?"
she sighed. “i’m not though.”
Mal: I knew it wasn't you the whole time! You seemed so... different. I didn't say anything about it because I didn't know if you had changed a lot while you were gone. I miss you so much. Come on, follow me. I'll introduce you to Avery, and some of my other friends. Avery saved me. *They embrace in a long hug.* Sam: I missed you, too.
Alex:*sits in her dorm bored*
celesta: you a r e.
“that doesn’t make it less stressful..” she muttered.
Mal leads the real Sam to the school to show her around.
Mal explains the situation to the students and looks around for Avery
Mal: What about the prophecy?
Sam: The wolf didn't like it. Said something about good and evil, war, balance, and... some person named Evan was in it
Mal: Evan?!
Sam: yea.
(I’m on. I’ll rp with Nolan in a sec)
(I am on)
(this has said 581 for so long and it’s bugging me! Ha! now it’s 582-Well it will be once I post this😂I’m so lame)
(Who is on?)
( i am on!)
(I’m on! kat will u respond on Luke and the girls’ rp?)
celesta: hey... it'll be okay. we are all here for you.
she sighed. “i’m just going to go do combat.. alone.” she ran off.. disappointed. she didn’t want to leave celesta but she didn’t know what to do.
(I am going to be on in 8-9 hours)
Mal: Evan.. was in the prophecy?
Sam: Yes. Who's Evan?
Mal: I.. um..
Sam: Malory.... Do you have a crush?
Mal: Um.. maybe.... 😳
Mal: Every since he arrived at the school. We are both evil, have water powers, and are 15....
Sam: Oh..... This makes more sense. The wolf said something about balance together
Azule: *walks outside in the rain, kicking of her shoes and letting her hair down she laughs and twirls beautifully in the rain*
(Hello! anyone here?)
Mal blushes very hard. Even someone who wasn't listening to their conversation would know.
Sam laughs and says, "Malory!"
Mal: Please. Stop, Samantha. This is awkward enough without the prophecy. I'm always so.. weird around him. It's not like I'll say Hey.. Evan. Sam said something about a prophecy with both of us in it. I was so shy in the orphanage, and I still am....
Sam: I dare you to write a note. if you don't, I will.
Mal: I'm not doing it, but now I know that you are the real Samantha...
Sam starts writing something. Mal says, "Fine. I'll do it
Mal: There. I wrote a note
(anyone on?)
( i am on!)
Annabeth: .........
( hellloooooooooooo)
celesta shakes her head. she didn't want to leave Cara but bothering her more would lead to nothing. she grabbed her personal hunting knives from the store room and clipped them on and went into the woods
(why is everyone going into the woods😂)
Mal heads to the lake to talk with Sam in privacy. Samantha says, "So this is the lake from the note...."
cara ran and didn’t look back. she ran to the combat room and punched a punching back as hard as she could. she heart a crack and she bit her lip as her whole left hand swelled. she crumbled to the floor and sobbed.
(I’m on but idk what to rp about because Mackenzie isn’t in any drama)
( hey im Back!!!,)
she stared at her hand, shocked. she’d never been a violent person. her head was just going.. 100.. miles.. a minute.. she blacked out as blood, RED blood, ran out of her head.
after she had blacked out she began seeing things. she pictured her sister, well, half sister.. or she thought so.. it’s so confusing.. was helping her up and yelling at percy to get help. then she saw her dad, crying, stroking her hair, and then her vision blurred from that, and she died. she still was lying still in the combat room. and she wasn’t breathing.
Alex:*hears yelling and sees Nolan and Cara* Omg What is happening? Get Emma!!
(Hello everyone. Did you miss me?)
(Yay! People like me!😱)
Alex:Ummm...Give me your shirt!
Mal: I want to introduce you to Cara, Avery, Grace, Celesta, and um, Evan. Let's go!
Sam: okay
Mal runs in to see Cara on the floor, unconscious and bleeding. Mal: Oh no! Cara! What happened here?
Alex:I have no Idea..*takes the cloth and cleans the wound*
Mal leans down and listens for a heart beat. She hears a tiny flutter, and then nothing. Mal runs to the forest to find Celesta.
Mal comes back without Celesta
Sam is in tears. Even though she didn't know Cara, she felt connected to her.
Azule: *walks out of her dorm walking with a bounce in her step free from her relationship with Daniel even though she liked him she just wanted to be free and plus she never saw him anymore*
Alex:Malory can you get Emma?
Mal: ..... *shakes her head* No... no this can't be happening. Cara...
Alex:Malory Hurry!*continues to clean the wound*
Mal: I'm on the phone now. *pulls out phone and calls Emma* EMMA! CARA! GET HERE NOW!
Sam: ...... Cara? Is it really you? *she whispers*
Mal: What?
Sam: I.. uh.. think I might know her.
Sam: from somewhere....
Alex:*wraps a cloth around the wound*
Mal: Pull through Cara. *helps Alex with Cara by using her water power*
Mal: You.. Cara.... always so.. welcoming and.. kind.....
Mal breathes heavily.
Alex:Thanks*cleans her hands with her powers*
Mal: your welcome
Alex:Now..What made this cut*skims the room for a knife of some sort*
Mal: punching bag... covered with... blood. Look at her hand
Mal: she hit her head on the way down, I'm guessing
Sam nods her head in agreement
Alex:Oh..Okay*crosses her arms*
Mal: I hope she'll be okay. Wanna take her to the infirmary for more help?
*They carry her to the infirmary*
(geez! what happened?!)
Cara might've died.... 😬😬😬😳😳😳
Mal breathes heavily
Mal: she's... limp
Alex:I better get going I hope Cara gets better!*leaves*
(I’ll bring in Taylor! woah! she’s in two places at once! magic!😂)
Taylor: *walks by and sees mal* “mal?” *walks in* “everything ok?”
Mal: I'm not leaving, Cara. No matter what
Mal: Cara. she's hurt. or. I don't know
Taylor: *walks over to cara* “did you get Emma?”
Mal: I called. it went to voicemail. (in other words, caeli isn't on)
(CAELI!!!) Taylor: *pulls back the blankets on Cara and rummages in her bag* “do you know how she got hurt?”
Mal gulps nervously
(the one about her not breathing?)
Mal: She broke her hand by hitting a punching bag and fell, hurting her head
Taylor: “k” *pulls out a little bottle from her bag* “can you toss me a cloth and some medical tape?” *stands up and grabs a wrap*
Mal: here *hands her stuff*
I’m here! !
(she’s alive!!!)
(maybe. she’s in the infirmary)
cara shall always be alive