tap if ya want

JEsuS I’m cramping so Bad and my InsiDes feel like they’re beiNg riPPed ouT!! And also yknow I’m depressed but that’s old news or whatever


tap if ya want JEsuS I’m cramping so Bad and my InsiDes feel like they’re beiNg riPPed ouT!! And also yknow I’m depressed but that’s old news or whatever

20 1
hope you get better
chamomile tea helps!!
the taste isn't tooooo bad. but i promise promise promise it relieves cramps. hold your nose and just chug it lol
yeh it’s hard to deal with it sometimes but there will be better days ❤️
exercise helps cramps from my experience. if it doesn't help, it at least is a good distraction
haha thank you!!
re:/ no problemo! I try to give good advice when I can about life
toast that toast
who even toasts bread anymore?
I toast toast cause I want to be cool
@caption oh noooo😭hope you’re feeling better✨
@caption - :( try drinking some lemon water ?? i think that helps, aw feel better 💓