☁️night in Incheon☁️


☁️night in Incheon☁️

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ah you live in Incheon?
is Korea cool? 💕🌸
woah that's expensive... BUT STILL YOU'RE RLLY PRETTY:3 and you guys are so cute:3:3
😳thank you:3 but you guys seem really cute together😊😊 I wish I was better at Korean so I could actually type stuff in Korean-.- I can speak it and read it but it's hard to write it:/ like when does one use ㅐ or ㅔ
thank you that clears up a lot :)))) I'm sure your boyfriend would agree with me that you both are really cute together:3 and I'm definitely sure he'd agree with me when I say you're super pretty💕✨ and how old are you😂😂 I know you are an 언니 to me but like don't want o be rude just want to see how large our age gap is😂😂😂
yes please I want to see you dance!!! I want to start taking dance lessons but idk:/
I understand most Korean so you don't need to translate:3 I took Korean school and my mom taught me Korean so that I could talk to my grandparents. My life is sad too... I used to stay up till 3 (ON WEEKDAYS) but now I've been trying to fix my habit by sleeping at 11:3 (I'm thirteen btw...)
ok:3 and I want to find a person to do dancing with but none of my friends are doing it so *cri*
Woah... I'm doing hw so I watched sections but like wow....... you guys are really good😳👍🏼
ah I see. so you live in Hongdae💕. what's daily life like there? I live in America so I wouldn't have a clue 😂