"evelyn!!why have you been gone for 3 days???" you ask. well. i went camping with my family and we had the shíttïèst signal,, so yeah. that's why. sorry frens


"evelyn!!why have you been gone for 3 days???" you ask. well. i went camping with my family and we had the shíttïèst signal,, so yeah. that's why. sorry frens

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hi fren. how was the camping?
p ok. had ups and downs.
(don't be ded fren. y r u ded)
wanna talk about it (I'm gonna be alternating between accounts sorry)
(I literally replied to all the comments on my posts you just put. you should go check em out)
you got Under A Paper Moon by ATL
why I have the worst face fam
ur face is the cutest I swear
Nah fam
I'll gladly swap
hahahahaha I only show my good angles tbh
no but so do I
true I guess