Rp page for me and ice_fox


Rp page for me and ice_fox

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ok so how do you wanna start
ok first wich Rp we ganna do Mlp warrior cats ect
we can just do like warrior cats where your the leader...
ok so we can do it in remix or comments
let's do it in comments because it doesn't take as long
ok you start
*i crawl out of the den and stretch my legs*
lunastar the leader walks out of her cave she then walks to the big rock
*i look at Lunastar and walk to the big rock*
she then looks down ready to begin the morning meeting
*i feel a tugging on my tail and I turn around and smile as kits play with my tail*
she then smiles and let's out a big meow as loud as she can
*i stare up to the big rock and sit down*
the rest of the cats walk to the big rock sitting down lunastar all right I have an announcement It is time for all the clans to meet up like normal I shall pick who is going
*i get up and smile as I turn to my apprentice Littlepaw*
lunastar every cat may now be dimmest
*i trot to Lunastar's den* Lunastar, is it ok if I send Littlepaw on a mission...for food
it's ok but first may I speak to you
*i look at you* yes you may
come fallow me walks into her den
*i follow you*
I need an opinion you see I like this kit called fuzzy paw I want to be its teacher should I
*looks at you* of course! he seems like an amazing and strong kit
he is smiles ok I'll go tell him
*looks at you* time for apprenticing already...
yep smiles you can go if you want walks out of her cave sigh ok
*i walk behind you and run to the apprentice den to get Littlepaw*
she then walks up to the boy kit fuzzy kit oh hey lunastar how would you like to be my apprentice fuzzy kit yes yes yes
*i look over and smile and then look at Littlepaw* cmon we have some hunting to do Littlepaw: Yay!
ok fuzzy paw I'll teach you for now on
*i look back and smile at you* ok Littlepaw lets go *i trot out of camp*
I then walked with fuzzy paw we will be partners soon ok
*i crouch down low and point out a rabbit to Littlepaw* now remember...light on your paws...lift your tail up to make no noise Littlpaw: I know I know...
I walk to my den fuzzy paw you can go do what ever you want till its time
*Littlepaw lunges at the rabbit and catches it* Yes!
lays down in her den
*we trot back into camp*
lunastar then falls asleep she has been up all night protecting the clan
*i walk into your den and nudge you* it's morning...
she then opens an eye and yawns
she then smiles back and gets up
*i walk out of your den and sit down* (what does lunastar look like?)
the black and white she cat then gets up she had a weird dream
*i turn around and see the stress in your eyes* bad dream...?
sighs ye.... yes
*looks down* any plans for today?
oh ya runs to the apprentices den
*follows you*
fuzzy paw it's time
*i stop under the high rock* (how about I'm not the deputy yet and the current one dies)
ok fuzzy paw fallows her as she walks onto the high rock
I make room for the deputy hailfoot*
she then calls all the cats today we will be assigning an new apprentice fuzzy paw step up you are now my apprentice
*yowls sound from outside the camp* oh no...
looks around fuzzy paw run run into my cave now
*i charge outside of the camp* WATERCLAN IS ATTACKING!!!
grr all right use all your might don't kill their clan but make them leave show no mercy
*i charge at one and slash their ear* HIISSS
I then looked at the leader grr I then charged I slashed that cat but the cat did the same to me my leg was bleeding badly I still fought
*i stalk behind the leader and pounce* why did you do this WetStar?!?!
wetstar cuz we want this taritory and want to drive you out
*my eyes thin down to a silver and I slash her nose* never...
Lunaclaw then ran over to a cat trying to hurt fuzzy paw she then showed no mercy to that cat and spat
*Wetstar pounces on me* AHHHH! *she nips my tail and I slash her belly*
Lunaclaw then runs to wetstar and drove her out the rest of the cats ran with her she falls her leg was bleeding badly
*i walk towards hailfoot as he lays limply* brother... *i droop my head
she then try's to get up she barely got up she then walks over to you
*cries a little* my only brother...Noooooooo!
pats you and looks down its ok I'll try ......
*growls a little* try what he's dead!
I know sigh I'm sorry walks over to the big rock every cat gather a warrior has fallen today a grate warrior we will share tongs tonight
*i lift him up and carry him to the center of the camp*
she then looks down we will allow the brother of him to start
*i rest my head on his* how am I supposed to take care of mom now...I need you...plz don't leave you were the deputy and now...your gone
she then looks down we will have to choose a new deputy I will decide tomorrow she then jumps down next to him looking a bit sad I know he isn't part of my family but he was a grate deputy to this clan
*looks away* I have to tell me mom * I get up and walk towards the nursery*
ok she then walks to the nursery but dose not enter for she dose not want to interfere
mom... Lillywater: yes WhiteWhisker? Me: Hailfoot...he's dead
she walks to her cave thinking from the battle speckled leaf the Medicean cat stoped me speckled leaf:stop your bleeding I can't let you stay like this she then walks with Lunaclaw to the Medicean den
Lillywater: wha...no...not him too... *she tries to get up* Me: no mom...you have to stay
she then walks with speckled leaf no I'm ok speckled leaf I don't need help I then limp
Lillywater: *cries*
she then try's to pull away but stumbles
*i cry with her*
she then pulls away but falls down
* come out of the nursery and sit vigil*
she then gets up and walks over to her den she then falls once she gets in her den sigh
*i fall asleep by Hailfoot
I then lay down thinking to myself I know she then falls asleep
*i wake up in the morning to Hailfoots stiff cold body*
I then wake up and try to get up but she then falls she can't get up after a bit she gets up
*i pick up Hailfoot and carry him to his grave*
she then gets up and walks over to you she then whispers do you want to be the new deputy
*i mumble and continue on*
she then sits their and sighs he was a good deputy to the clan
*i keep going* he was a better brother
smiles well that is true I .... she then gets up but limps and whispers it's ok if you don't want to be deputy
*sighs* just choose who's right
well I think you are you showed me in that fight that you where worthy for this
*growls* just let me get this done!
fine she then walks away she then waits in her den
*i trot back to camp and head to your den* sorry for getting angry it's just.,.
no no it's ok sigh I understand
*looks down* i guess today is the day where you assign a new deputy... *i walk out*
she then smiles yes it is she limps to the high rock it's time to pick a new deputy
*i sit in the Warriors den sad*
she then looks up star clan has told me they want to have me choose I jump down to the Warriors den come on out
*sighs* fine
I will point to the new deputy cuz why not jumps on the high rock and points at you
*i freeze and everything goes quiet*
come on up new deputy
*i slowly come up shaking* y-yes
smiles it's ok just say something nice and I'll stop the meeting and their new deputy
*talks nervously* I am WhiteWhisker and I promise to protect this clan at all costs
ok meeting over congrats to our new deputy
*i walk to the Warriors den and lay down*
she then smiles and limps down to her cave
*the next morning I get up and stretch* Laketail *i nudge her and she wakes up*
I wake up and get up I then go to the Medicean den and get some herbs for my leg
Laketail: yes? Me: it's morning and I wanted to know if you wanted to hunt with me Laketail: Sure
speckled leaf you finally took my advice lunastar ya ya ya smiles and giggles
*we go out of camp and start to hunt and we bring back 2 squirrels and a vole* that was fun
she then walks out of the Medicean den and walks over hey new deputy smiles
*looks at you* hey...
she then eats one of the herbs how was the hunt
good I'm excited for Laketails kits
smiles that's good news
*smiles* she says it'll be a couple moons though
speckled leaf walked over to me oh hey speckled leaf
*Laketail sits by me*
speckled star walks away but playfully lunastar runs after her
*laketail nudges me* what Laketail: I'm starting to feel heavy *i smile* that means their coming
lunastar and speckled leaf ran at each outher playing
*Laketail and I wrap our tails together*
they then stop and walk to you
*i turn my head towards you* yes...?
is she ok
yeah she said she's starting to feel a little heavy
oh ok
*looks at you* why would you want to know
must asking she then walks away to her cave
*sighs and walks to the Warriors den*
she then lays down waiting for anything to happen
*i wake up suddenly*
she then picks her head up with her ears twitching
*i walk over to Laketail and lay beside her*
she then lays her head down she falls asleep
*i sleep*
the next day she gets up and walks out
*i leave the den with Laketail* Laketail: ow *she falls down and moans* Me: oh no...
she then walks to the forest and sits down
*yells* Help! someone help!
she the here's it and runs to the camp and runs to you what's going on
*Looks at you* Laketail's Kits!
she then tells lake tail to go to the nursery
or at least try
*i help her to the nursery*
she then calls for the Medicean cat the cat go's in
*i pace outside the nursery*
she then comes out
*i rush to you* is she ok
wanna continue our rp)
ok she then nods she's ok you can come in
*i walk in and gasp*
she then walks in after you and smiles
*i walk to the kits* we have two healthy kits... Laketail: I thought we would name one hailkit
she then looked at the kits I will give you guys some privacy she then walked out
*sighs* how about we name the other Ravenkit
she walked to her cave
*i walk out*
she then yawns but walks out
*i walk to the fresh kill*
she then sits down neer a branch
*i take a vole and a mouse and walk back to the nursery*
she then smiles and looks up
*i walk back out after 20 minutes*
she was still staring up
*i walk to you* are you ok
she looks at you and shakes her head yes yes just missing some cat
*smiles* who you missing?
well I use to be a kittie pet myself till a cat took me away I was so happy but that cat died she was killed by a cat that drowned her, her name is oceanstar
*looks at you* sorry for your loss...
it's ok smiles she was a grate friend
*walks back to the nursery as two excited kits jump out and play with my tail*
smiles and looks at the kits they grow fast thinking to herself and giggles a tiny bit
*i walk to the nursery* Hi Laketail! LT:Hi Whitewhisker!
she walks over to a fuzzy paw let's go train they walk into the forest
*i play with the kits for a while*
they train till it was sun down ok fuzzy paw your getting better she then rubs her nose to the kit ok run along you don't want to be in the dark
I meet you in the forest* hello
oh hey walks beside you fuzzy paw you can walk with us
*i walk bye you* hi Fuzzypaw
fuzzy paw: hey hi smiles
*smiles and walks back to camp*
fuzzy paw starts to get tired lunastar picks him up and puts him on her back fuzzy paw falls asleep
I walk towards towards the entrance
she walks to the apprentices den and lays fuzzy paw down