Sister Forever! Me and Tucker!


Sister Forever! Me and Tucker!

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so cute
Hey MaKenna I can not do 2:00 because I will not be home is it ok if we do 5:00?
that's fine because I can't do 2:00 either.
ok great talk to you then
ok 😀
hey sorry to keep bothering you but I think there is a way were I can get your number and we can talk on the phone
with out anyone knowing👍
ok but I not home I am at my dads so I can not talk till Monday.
oh ok bye
what is the way? I can still text I just can't talk on the phone
oh sorry u could give you my number and then delete the comment I will say Hi and tell me if you get it and then I will delete it and you tell me if it is gone
I could give you my number that's what I meant
ok go ahead and put it down
first I am going to say hi and then I will delete it
did you get the message that said Hi?
is it gone know? it is gone on mine😡
I meant👍
ok I will give you my phone number tell me when you have it written down
is it gone?
got it
yes I deleted it
ok good call me when ever I have to go my iPod is a bout to die and I can not find the charger so call me bye
bye I will call you when I get home!
ok bye