Collage by Agent_O


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Glad you like it :)
I have it set as my background on all my devices your super talented
Aw that's so sweet thank you
you make me so happy when I see your art I just want to see more please do something with your art you could be an famous person some day
Lol well I was planning on it but I honestly don't think I'll be able to support myself on art alone :/ I do plan on making deviantart and tumblr accounts and doing commissions through there but as a profession I'd like to go into the medical field. Ideally I'd like to be an OB/GYN.
And thank you ☺️
you should do it I believe in you people who are following you most of them love your Art so YOU CAN DO IT
Lol thanks I plan on continuing art and fitting it into my medical endeavors so don't worry
I'm just saying you have lots of talent
Thank you