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Busy again so enjoy a premade. Used Placebo lyrics, and of you haven't PLEASE go listen to them they are some quality material. My aesthetic is Brian Molko, but like also D'arcy Wretzky in striped shirts.
thanks sm!! I think it's just because I love being creative ☺️
okay :)
Wow! Thank you! That was wow... I completely... COMPLETELY agree with like all of what you said! Is that even possible to change your gender? I mean.. I know they can cut stuff off and sew stuff on but other than that! BTW I know you said you're OK now but I couldn't resist! You don't have to be uncomfortable or sad with who you are! We like and love you just the way you are! 💕
Scientifically backed how? Do you mean other than what you already said? (curious)
Aw thanks!!💕
I doubt it. Life is too intricate to be an accident.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I always REALLY love reading your points!
True! What's your name BTW? It's okay if you don't want to say!
That'd be really creepy if it wasn't... Lol welcome to the squad Emma!
hey! pctemplates here! looking for a template? come to @pctemplates for some self-created templates! requests open now!