maybe im being a bit dramatic but ive legit been on this app for 11 years i think so i think im allowed to be dramatic šŸ˜ 
(also i donā€™t see the search feature anymore so maybe the rumors are true!!)


maybe im being a bit dramatic but ive legit been on this app for 11 years i think so i think im allowed to be dramatic šŸ˜ (also i donā€™t see the search feature anymore so maybe the rumors are true!!)

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Not dramatic at all, I recently reached my 7 year mark on here and feel exactly the same. To see pc go would be devastating
ik Iā€™m so sad abt it!!!
yeah no itā€™s insane Iā€™ve been here since middle school on this account and elementary on my other one that got deleted and I graduate college next year itā€™s insane
update: i got an email PicCollage support confirming that theyā€™re retiring the social feature at the end of MarchšŸ„² in their email tho they talk about a Facebook groupā€¦ just thought i would write this here in case anyone sees
and i got the email bc they saw i had posted recently using the social feature, so if you want to get that email you could try posting something